Part 6

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Hello to all those viewers I've had! Please don't be afraid to comment any suggestions!

Dream's heart beat faster, and butterflies in his stomach took off in a mad frenzy. He could feel his hands slowly becoming sweater. His green eyes started to water slightly, but he held it in and instead just VERY carefully leaned over and hugged George, "Don't cry about me.. I'll be alright." He told his friend firmly.

George just wiped his tears, still feeling horrible, but Dream's words made him feel better. He held onto Dream's hand, trying to control his emotions. "I-I'm sorry." He choked out after a moment of crying.

"Don't be sorry George, everyone has emotions, even I do and you know that. Just be glad you care so much." Dream squeezed his hand lightly in George's, enjoying the feeling. He felt so close to George, and when he was upset, all he wanted to do was help. Dream smiled, wincing at the pain. He was hurt, yes, he was injured and might not recover, yes. But that couldn't stop him from his fate. Somehow he was going to complete it no matter what.

George smiled as he saw Dream wince, "I'll get Bad, he probably has some sort of muffin thing." He chuckled, before regretfully pulling away from Dream. He didn't want to... but he also didn't want to be weird. He walked away and then over to Bad, well.. he really wasn't bad... he was just obsessed with muffins. "Bad, Dream's awake."

Bad literally about flipped out, "WHAT?! YES THE MUFFIN IS AWAKE! ComE oN gEoRgE!" He started to run toward Dream's healing tent with George being pulled along from behind. He came into the tent smiling as he saw Dream awake. Then a chocolate chip muffin suddenly appeared in his hand, "Here, have a muffin. We already sent for Nikki, but Techno I think has the tendency to linger." He chuckled.

The man had already pulled his mask back over his face before Bad came bursting in. He smiled even from behind his smiley face mask and took the muffin, "Yeah, he does. Thanks for all the help." He said to Bad, then proceeded to munch a bit on the muffin as to not seem rude.

Bad seemed satisfied, "Nikki should be here in about a week, I don't want you moving from this bed!" He said firmly. "You literally got hit by a full grenade blast!"

Dream let out a heavy sigh, "I got it Bad, but you can't stop me from doing everything." He lifted a brow, but Bad had just scoffed and walked away as if he didn't believe Dream. He let out a slight chuckle and looked at George, "I'll lay here for one day, but otherwise, I'm going to move and nobody can stop me."

"I'll help you." George chuckled. "I'll help, don't want you wobbling around all alone." He smiled.

"For now, get some rest Dream, you literally got hit by a grenade."

Dream chuckled, "Fine... but I think otherwise I'll be alright as soon as Nikki gets here."

---------- 1 week later -----------

Dream hobbled around on his one non-hurt leg and ankle. They had managed to get his knee back in place, but nobody knew anything else on what to do. Bad knew enough to wrap up his wrist and ankle and to wash his burns with cool water, but nobody else had healing herbs or any abilities. He smiled at George, he had been helping him get around for the past couple days.

Suddenly a yell was heard from around the make-shift camp. It was Techno's! "NIKKI IS HERE! Get Dream's butt over here before I drag him myself!"

The masked man chuckled and limped his way over to the pair. A woman stood next to the tall half-pig. She looked over at Dream and gasped, walking over, "You should have been resting." She said in her normal soft tone.

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