Part 10

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The moon was directly above the camp, only a waning crescent. It would be a new moon when the army attacked, but this was now. Suddenly a screech was heard by one of the far guard tents. The attack had begun.


Dream looked to his friends as he sliced down a tent and killed the remaining soldiers inside. It was a massacre waiting to happen. They had no clue who, or what was attacking them, but they did know he was powerful and powerful he shall remain.

The masked man strove through the camp, seeming to cease to exist for a moment. He felt himself deep inside, controlling his breathing, closing his eyes before he opened them back up, refreshed. His hand's markings glowed brightly. He grinned. They had never done this before... but it felt right.

He looked over as Techno slayed around 10 soldiers at once by beheading them with his axe. Dream shook his head to avoid diving into the memories, and instead focused on the task at hand. He grinned and then headed forward. Facing Schlatt was his duty, and his duty alone. He looked around at the darkness, the soldiers were all in a panic.

It was dark, so Dream let out a heavy sigh and then rendered a flame from within the depths of his hand. It glowed brighter than it ever had before. Brighter than it could ever. The man just scoffed and then continued forward.

The soldiers who noticed him instantly cowered and shouted things like 'ITS A DEMON!' or 'HE'S GOING TO KILL SCHLATT!' But nobody dared stop him, unless they were to be caught with a tornado of air.

His powers flared in retaliation against a couple swords before he drew his own, and let fire run down it's edge. He breathed, and a powerful air gust came out. It was not by his own design to do it, but he enjoyed it never the less. He quickly ended the few attacker's lives with one sweep of his sword, and continued along, shoving his burning blade into anyone who dared approach him.

Dream stood strong, stronger than he'd ever thought he could become. Across the way, Schlatt had risen and come out from his tent to see Dream shoving his burning blade into a soldier. Schlatt angerily shouted.

"LET US FIGHT DREAMON! You are nothing, I am everything. We could have ruled together, but you chose to attack. I had planned for a peaceful surrender from you all, but clearly you have chosen death. And Death shall come."

Just as Schlatt spoke, the rest of the group came out from their places and stood by Dream. All powers together. Fundy looked from either side, Schlatt's gaze burning into him. The furry's ears flattened and then ran to Dream's side.

The group stood strong. Dream looked at his friends, "I- guys... I have to-"

Technoblade stepped forward, and spoke more words that he had ever heard from the pig's mouth. "You don't have to do anything Dream. We're here to be beside you in the final fight. Schlatt doesn't deserve to rule. He not only hurt us, but hurt everyone. He has to go and we won't let him stand another day. Have you ever considered why you actually have all of the powers of the elements?"

The pig inquired, tilting his head to Dream replied with a shake of his head, "Then know now, that a prophecy was recieved by many of visionaries of your arrival. It spoke: 'Do not fear the double who has the same. 3 abilities, 1 with 4. Elements of nature, elements of life, elements to bring together the rest. Support the one in the fight against the other, or you will surely all die and face something you wish not.' Do you realize this Dream? It was about you idiot! You have 3 powers, 3 abilities. 1 power, your elemental one with 4 different elements. We have to support you in the final fight. We will fight Dream, and you can either kill us or thank us."

Dream stood motionless as he studied the others from behind his mask. The man took one breath and spoke, "Then fight beside me as I bring together the rest." And in that moment, his markings on his palm glowed brighter than ever before thought possible. The man looked at the others, and then rested his gaze on George. "Take care." He said before looking at Schlatt.

He attacked with pure force, all elements at once, elements of nature, elements of life. "You have failed to bring them together." Dream said before suddenly the ground gave way. Schlatt let out a yell as he fell to his death, with no time to react and then Dream fell, he toppled over, barely concious

He had succeeded... but in the end, it was too much. One person was never meant to have three powers, one person could not handle it. It was too much. Soon enough, one power would flow more than the rest and leave the other powers weak. Only one can pass.

Dream's head tilted toward George who, by now had rushed to his side, "DREAM! DREAM! DREAM! What happened?!" He asked, and a million more questions. Dream just grinned and then blacked out in the instant after saying, "He's gone, they're all free."

George stared at his friend. Nikki came rushing over, feeling Dream. "I-I can't heal this, he'll have to make it out on his own." George burst into tears and Sapnap came over, hugging the crying man.

"He's strong George, stronger than he's ever been. He won't fail. He'll return, he'll return to unite us all. Not as a ruler, but as a friend. Like he said, they're all free." Sapnap said, rubbing George's temples. "They're all free."

Techno came charging forward, only to see Dream on the ground. The pig never seemed to break before, but in that moment, he did. Tears sprouted up in his eyes. "He'll fight, just like he did when we met and every time after." The man tried to tell everyone, but he was really just telling himself.

Everyone muttered things, to comfort themselves or they stood frozen to the ground with eyes fixed upon Dream's unconcious body.

Suddenly someone spoke up. It was Fundy. "If I may... speak?"

Everyone turned their head toward the fox man.

"Schlatt actually said that I would be the next ruler after him. I want to say, that Dream can come to our base and recover for however long that may take. It may take a while, but I think he has a chance. He is a honored guest for being the one who slayed Schlatt. I honor and respect all who fought against him, and I'd like to offer a permanent home in our castle, in our hearts, and in our minds that you are the ones who were stronger than us to make the right choice and fight."

The rebels looked at each other and then at Fundy. Wilbur came forward with Tubbo's and Tommy's hand in his own, "We will come." And in that moment, every single other rebel nodded in agreement. Schlatt was over.


Dream woke up in a foreign place, what was this place?

AhhHHAHAH, I hope that wasn't too bad? I don't know to be honest, but either way, yes it will be a timeskip to when Dream wakes up probably, but who knows, maybe I'll have a bit of an imaginary talk and vibe/filler chapter after this.

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