Part 8

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I just wanna repeat this: I don't give individual trigger warnings, so if you see something that triggers you, it ain't my fault.

Again, I respect Dream and George's choices, if this makes them feel weird in any way, I will remove their characters and replace it. Dream and George: Feel free to message me, I'm not an idiot to spam DMs, I'm just some random person making a story.

The group spent the next few days mostly just training, Techno was so tired at the end of the day since he was the one that trained most people. Dream helped, but people tended not to bug him too much because George and Dream had only recently become boyfriends and they didn't want to mess anything up.

Dream sat in his tent, just staring off into space as he listened to the forest around him. He wasn't meditating, but he was thinking about things that could happen. He kept practicing his elemental powers, each day they seemed to grow stronger, he still got crushed when Schlatt did something big with his powers, but Dream was at least able to retaliate a bit and stay on his feet from this now. He looked up at George entered the tent smiling as he saw Dream sitting there.

Dream shook his head a moment, to break his concentration of thinking and smiled back at George. "Come here..." He murmured. George leaned down and sat near the other male. Dream didn't take no as an answer and pulled him down and then pushed his lips to the other boy's. George smiled and then closed his eyes, kissing back passionately.

The two sat there for a bit, before pulling back a little, Dream tilted his head up a bit as George moved toward his jaw. George grinned and then moved down from Dream's jaw toward his neck. Suddenly the other male let out a very soft groan. George pulled back a moment, not even knowing Dream could make such a sound. He chuckled, "Nah, I ain't doing that Dream. I'm stopping there." And Dream just smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Good idea." He said, "I think Tommy wants me to train with him today. I help him fight, he helps me with fire. I'll see you later alright love?"

"Alright Dream. Enjoy." George waves as Dream exited the tent. Suddenly, the tent flap was knocked open again by Dream.

"George! Get out here! Wilbur and Tubbo are here!" Dream said. George's eyes popped wide open and he jumped to his feet, running into the clearing.

Wilbur was bleeding heavily from the side of his head and his wrist didn't look right. Tubbo was just frozen still, although his ankle wasn't exactly perfect, but it was less noticeable than Wilbur's wrist. Dream ran towards Nikki's healing tent and Techno ran over, supporting Wilbur as he supported Tubbo. Each one was breathing harder than they should as if they had to run.

Nikki came bursting out of her tent and gasped as she saw the two injured people.
She ran over and looked at Wilbur who shook his head and instead handed off Tubbo to the healer.

Dream looked at Wilbur and asked, "What happened Wilbur?"

Tommy came running out of nowhere and just latched onto Wilbur's waist and looked like he was holding in tears, "WILBUR!" He screeched with an unknown emotion.

Wilbur put an arm on Tommy's shoulder before looking at Dream, "Schlatt happened. Dream, the army is coming. In a week's time, you'll have to fight for your lives. Schlatt is coming. Me and Tubbo ran off, because we didn't want to fight for Schlatt, they caught us, so we fought our way out." He said with a tired expression in his face.

Tubbo by now was healed by Nikki and testing his limbs. Nikki looked at Wilbur and he sighed, following her toward her healing hut. (removed sentence in accordance to boundary against shipping) Nikki ran off that day... becoming neutral in the battle.

Everyone waited nervously for Wilbur to come back out. Tommy and Tubbo were hugging tightly, they had been best friends before the whole thing. Tubbo had been caught, and Tommy had been forced to keep running. The two started chatting away after a moment of hugging.

Wilbur exited the hut with a bit of a red stain on the side of his face, but overall healed. He smiled as he saw the two teenagers chatting away and then he walked over to the rest of the group while Tubbo and Tommy talked. They didn't need to be in this conversation anyway, they would just fight their hardest when the time came.

The group waited anxiously as Wilbur gathered himself for a moment, sitting down, and most people following that action. He began, "Me and Tubbo knew where you all ran, there was no where else except somewhere into the forest. That attack on you all... it hurt. Having to actually destory something that I wanted to help build, it was too much. Tubbo wanted to come as well. When they army was on the move to destory your next camp, me and Tubbo had planned to sneak off, but that quickly failed and we ended up fighting for our lives. I told Tubbo to run, and he refused as I attempted to overpower all of the people attacking me."

"Finally, he ran, but came back with a fucking whacking branch and literally knocked out half the people there. That dude is scary when he's angry. We ran as fast and as far as we could. I got whacked in the side of my head and hit with the hilt of a blade in the wrist. Tubbo just tripped when he was running."

"We ran through the forest, nobody was persuing us, but we knew they'd follow. They knew we were going to you guys, so we had to hide. We climbed a tree and stayed there, when I woke up one night, I saw Antfrost staring at me through the tree branches, I knew it was him from his mind. We fleed that next day, offering no trace as we left leapt through the trees. It was hard, lets just say that. I.. um.. fell out of the tree, that's why my head was still bleeding." Wilbur rubbed the back of his neck.

"And pretty much we just decided to say fuck it and come. Schlatt's army is coming, in a weeks time we'll be fighting for our lives. We can't run for much longer."

Dream closed his eyes tight. Those were the last words he wanted to hear. Schlatt is coming, weeks time, can't run... His mind repeated as he thought. He sighed and then nodded at Wilbur, "Thanks for sharing that Wilbur, we'll train harder, but tonight, I say we rest. Bright and early tomorrow we will all speak, got it?"

The people of the resistance nodded and then went off to their respectable tents, Techno going towards George's and George towards Dream's. Wilbur followed Nikki to her hut and Tubbo followed Tommy. Those two were made for each other, not in love wise, but friendship wise, they would never leave each other.

So yeah. Schlatt only got a few peeps left on his side, but he's also got a bunch more 'non-important' people with powers and whole lotta men for an army in case that wasn't clear.

Anyway, hope the book it good. And yes, I did just upload twice in a day, I'm feeling heckin good.

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