Part 2

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Dream let out a huff, he knew he wasn't good enough. He was the most powerful being in the world and yet he couldn't even do this one thing, kill Schlatt. He growled angrily to himself clutching his head in his own bed, even Sapnap couldn't stop the thoughts that wrecked through his mind. He softly let out a few sobs. He could barely stop himself as he struggled to calm himself, and rid himself of the fear that wracked him. He was supposed to be strong, strong for others...

But at this moment, he was just nothing, he felt nothing. He felt as if his whole soul had left his body for a moment before someone touched him on the shoulder. A gentle touch, a compassionate one. Dream turned his head slowly toward the person who had touched him. He tried to fake a smile as he saw George. He had his mask off, George was one of the few people he trusted he could do it too. His eyes were puffy, even past the scar that went over his left eye.

George sighed and sat down on the bed beside his friend. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, rubbing his hand against Dream's back.

Dream let out a sigh, "I-I don't know George... I-I'm just s-so a-afraid... I-It won't go a-away..." and he let out another choked sob, trying to hold it in, and appear more of who he was, but he couldn't stop himself.

"Shh... shh... it's alright. You'll never let go of the fear, but you can embrace it. You'll understand one day." He told his friend. He wiped one of Dream's tears off his cheek and then brought his chin to make it so the other male was looking at him, "Embrace it, but don't let it override your bravery, your compassion, your abilities. You are more than who you think Dream."

The dirty blonde headed man simply sniffled and then nodded, scooting closer to where his shoulder rested on George's. He didn't think it was weird, hopefully, it wasn't for George... 

George smiled as his friend laid on his shoulder, he felt warm and fuzzy inside, like this is what was meant to happen. "Don't fear Dream, bravery is nothing without fear." He said before cooing softly to Dream and brushing his hand through his hair after a little bit.

---------- 5 hours later ----------

Dream sat in the middle of the camp of the rebels, most everyone was hanging out since it was around mid-day. Dream was contemplating on what George had said to him. You are more than who you think Dream. Don't fear Dream, bravery is nothing without fear. Embrace it, but don't let it override your bravery, compassion, and your abilities. He kept repeating the phrases over and over in his head, trying to make sense of what he may have meant, but he didn't focus too hard, he didn't want to get caught up in his thoughts again.

He huffed, wanting to distract himself. He didn't want to fight... he didn't really want to meditate after what had happened last time. He glanced around, spotting Tommy looking sad. Dream shrugged to himself and then walked over, "You alright bud?" He asked to the teenage boy.

Tommy looked up at Dream and then sighed, turning away and pulling his knees up to his chin, "Yeah.. yeah." He muttered.

Dream raised an eyebrow, "It doesn't look that way, what's wrong?"

"It's Wilbur and Tubbo!" He burst out after a few awkward moments of silence. "I miss them... Wilbur was like a big brother to me and Tubbo my best friend. I feel as if I've lost part of myself ever since they were lost to Schlatt..." He sniffled, and Dream could tell he had been crying, but he didn't want to comment on it, knowing he himself hated it when others commented on him crying.

"They weren't lost, Tommy, they were forced into it, and will be saved. We have to wait, just a bit longer, and then you'll have them back Tommy. It'll be like old times. Schlatt will fall, and pay for what he has done to those under his force of power. They don't do it willingly, they were captured and forced to do his bidding."

Tommy sighed, "Yeah.. alright...  but you'd better work on trying to work out your power, the longer we wait, the more unprepared we will grow." Dream as taken aback by this comment, but it was true. The more Dream waited, the more the fear grew it felt like.

"Yeah... yeah... we need to make plans." And then Dream made a decision in a split second. "Tommy, gather the rebels. We're having a war meeting." Tommy looked at Dream, surprised but then quickly wiped his eyes and ran off to gather the members of the rebellion.

---------- 2 Days Later ----------

Dream huffed as everyone gathered near him. He spotted Techno giving him a few eyes, but most seemed neutral expressions. George looked at Dream anxiously and Sapnap stood there, knowing what was going to happen. Tommy was rubbing his hands together in an effort to warm them before looking at Dream expectantly.

"Everyone. It is time we attack. The fear will only rise unless we attack now, I fear my powers will never resurface. We must attack. I can fight just as well as many of you, even without my powers, me and Techno could at least put some scratches on Schlatt if we worked together. We must rescue as many of the ones with powers as we can. Wilbur, Tubbo, Fundy, Antfrost, Skeppy, Bad, anybody who is in need. We cannot force them to join us, but we will try to persuade them. We will at least free them from their imprisonment." He said forcefully, waiting for anybody's reaction. He glanced around, at least wanting to catch the confident smile of one of the members'. Techno, George, Sapnap, and Tommy stood up, "I'm in." They all said at once.

Dream smiled determinedly. "We will win. If we don't we will try again, determination, don't let the fear drive you, drive it." He winked at George and thrust his fist into the air. "We will win." He said the determination was evident in his voice.

"We will, or we'll die trying," George said with the others murmuring in agreement shortly after. Dream smiled. He was afraid, very afraid, but determined. Even without his power, he was still smart and had his wits and senses. Who knows? Maybe he'll meet another near-death situation and it'll spark his powers just like it did with Techno.

Dream looked at George and started to frett about something else. He didn't want George to have to fight.. he didn't want him to get hurt in any way... George was too much a person for him to lose. He would gladly give himself up for George... but it may come to that... He sighed. Stupid feelings. He thought to himself. Why can't you just let go and live your life? He's not gay, you may be, but that doesn't mean anything. He told himself firmly, even if he knew it may not be true.

George, was likewise dealing with the same feelings. "What if he gets hurt? What if he dies? What if he isn't the same after it?" He fretted aloud to himself, alone. He just wanted to be left alone... he didn't want Dream to fight. Sure, he was important to them winning, but he was also important to him.

Sapnap came over to where George was, catching the last sentence, "Who isn't going to be the same after what?" He grinned, he already knew, but George didn't and as a dream walker, it wasn't his job to get in the middle of this unless he was allowed to.

"Oh.. Sapnap." George sighed looking at his friend. "It's uh... nothing."

Sapnap rolled his eyes, "Do you want me to spy on your dreams or not?"

"FINE, but no spying on my dreams!" George said defensively, "And no telling anyone else. Deal?"


"Alright.. so... um.... I'm gay.... and I got feelings for Dream..." He looked at his friend, nervously waiting for a reaction.

"What? Oh- cool." He already knew Dream was gay but was he supposed to tell George or not? He decided against it, "Well, you should confess, like come on, before we attack! Otherwise, you may not see him again."

"I don't ever want to hear that again. I will see him again. I'll tell him sometimes... when I'm not comforting him, or doing something else with others around. It needs to be the perfect moment." George insisted, but Sapnap just rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, you do what you want, but don't take too long," Sapnap said before turning in for the night, checking Dream for any sweating while he slept before crawling into bed to the dreaming world.

A Fate of Fear | DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now