Part 9

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Apologies for the longer wait. I had a bit of writer's block until I forced myself to start writing this.

Dream looked at the group gathered before him. They had been training their hardest for the past few days, only 3 more days remain before Wilbur predicted that the army would arrive. He cleared his voice from behind the mask and the people looked up from their individual conversations to look at him expectantly.

"We need a plan when the army arrives. We can't just keep running, we all know this too well. We've run for the better part of our lives.  You can never run forever, the hunted always gets caught unless the hunted can become the hunter."

Wilbur raised a brow as Dream spoke, seeming to understand what he was saying, but stayed silent. Tubbo shifted, Techno closed his eyes as if he was remembering a bad memory. Bad and Skeppy let out a sigh, just sitting next to each other. Tommy was the only one staring directly at the masked man before grunting and speaking himself.

"Dream... are you suggesting we attack them?" The tall teenage boy looked at the other tall man near him, eying him closely.

George looked at Dream with confidence from the side. He laid his hand on his friend's and nodded to him reasuringly. Dream smiled at his lover and then faced down the overly tall teenager.

"Yes, I am Tommy. If we hit them, they won't be expecting it. To them, we're all just lost toys for them to find, or hunt down. We need to prove to them we are stronger than they think. Techno, you can down 50 men on your own and still be able to fight." Dream asked, turning his gaze toward his pig footed friend.

The man raised his head from where he had been hanging it between his legs and arms. He looked at Dream with a surprisingly confident expression. He almost never showed any emotion to the outside world. "That... that is true." He conceded in his monotone voice. "Are you implying I kill the whole army or something? Like I said with Tommy, a suicide mission."

Dream chuckled a little, "Never, you have us all beside you. We work as a team, dividing up their order. They aren't friends with their group, they don't know each other's limits, to them, their comrades are the only people they fight beside and that is all. But we... but we are friends. Friends until the end. We don't leave each other, we work together."

The group looked at Dream with newfound confidence and Wilbur rose from where he stood. "I'm with you, Dream. Even if we die, at least we died fighting beside our friends." The rest of the group murmured agreements and Niki stepped forward. 

"You're suggesting a suicide mission, but I will help the best I can. Those are our friends. They're trapped and controlled by fear. I can heal them." She took Wilbur's hand in her own and smiled at him before facing down Dream. "We are with you, now let's fight together as friends."

The man in the green hoodie smiled from behind his mask. He looked at the group and they all stood strong, determined to fight, to the death. He slightly dipped his head and then spoke, "Then we will attack at midnight. Everyone be ready to go by sunset, try not to tire yourselves by fighting, but rather calm your nerves and prepare yourselves for a lot of fighting." 

The group of people, furries, anyone just smiled and then nodded. There was even the slightest bit of a nod from Techno.

---- Meanwhile -----

Schlatt lashed out at Eret, burning the end of his nose, "If you refuse to fight for me in 3 days' time, I will personally burn your entire skin off."

The man just nodded and backed up with his hands raised. He was being threatened for questioning the plan again. He choked back a sob as he leaned up against a tree and stared up at the sky, the one that was beginning to get dark. He pulled his knees up to his chest and then held onto them using his hands.

He was always hated upon by his appearance, by his very being. He always questioned everything, questioned his own judgment even. He wished things could get better, but he knew if he even tried to escape and join the resistance, with his friends, with his comrades, he would be caught and forced to stay still and try to protect himself.

Eret was also like Dream. He could barely control his powers, but he could do it better than him, that didn't mean he could do anything without them. He sniffled and rubbed his hand against his nose, trying to clear his nose. He felt tears falling down his cheeks, but he didn't care.

One day he would help. One day he would leave, but that time wasn't now. He looked up at the darkening night sky and cried more looking at the moon. He was all alone, but he needed to get out of here. Out of the army. Out of where Schlatt could control him. He needed to join his comrades. He caught his breath, and a huge lump still stuck in his throat.

He sniffed once more, standing proudly, and then looked back at the row of tents and then back at the forest, too the moon.. to the stars. It was nearing midnight when suddenly he heard a whoosh from above, it was almost completely silent, but he heard it.

He looked up and then felt an overbearing sense something was in his head. One of the perks of having mind power. His breathing hitched as he wiped the final dampness from his face and then aggressively thought to whoever was in his mind.

Wilbur, I know you're there. I can recognize your mind as soon as it hits me. Let up on the fucking pain and let me join you all.

Join us? What do you mean Eret?  The pain let up in his head and his breathing returned to normal.

I'm not fighting for Schlatt Wilbur. I'm fighting for my independence and freedom now. Let me help. I'm not going to wait around anymore for the world to make itself better. I have to make it better.

Are you sure? Because that means you should probably join us up here.

Who's with you? What is happening Wilbur?

The whole resistance is up here idiot. We're attacking as soon as the clock strikes. Now get your fucking ass up here before I drag you up here yourself. Dream says if you're joining in, you gotta get up here.

On my way bitch, you don't gotta threaten me.

The moon was directly above the camp, only a waning crecent. It would be a new moon when the army attacked, but this was now. Suddenly a screech was heard by one of the far guard tents. The attack had begun.

OOC: Yes I know I'm so hecking evil, hope you enjoyed the inspiring speech from Dream, the angsty Eret, and the cliffhanger.

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