Part 7

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After that day of the meditation, Dream grew a bit more confident and was able to make VERY small use of his elemental powers, it wasn't anywhere close enough to overpower Schlatt, he couldn't even push someone an inch. He could make slightly more powerful wind gusts, move water up and around himself, make small rocks without touching the ground, and light candles, but that wasn't strong enough to beat Schlatt.

Dream let out a sigh, he was just in his tent, laying on his cot, wide awake. He couldn't sleep very well these days because we were still used to enclosed walls around him while he slept, but if no sleep was the cause of the Schlatt Army not finding them, he would make that sacrifice.

George suddenly opened a flap to Dream's tent and saw him awake. He let out a small chuckle to let him know that he was there, "Can't sleep either? Want to go on a stroll with me?"

Dream leaped at the opportunity and got up to his feet and nodded, "Sure!" He may have sounded a bit more enthusiastic than he meant to and blushed a little, glad the darkness surrounding them still hid his face. He grabbed his mask, he had begun wearing it a bit less, but he still wore it. "I'm ready." He said after he fastened his mask on correctly. The smiley face getting illuminated by the full moon. George let out a chuckle and then led the way into the forest.

Moonlight lit up a path they followed. Each person just silent, owls let out cries of victory as mice let out their last breath. It was the way of the wild. Dream looked at George smiled when Dream said, "Any particular reason you're bringing me out here?" His cheeks still very red from the blush. He was so glad for his mask right now. It provided him a security nothing else could.

George didn't answer for a little before he cleared his voice and stuttered, "W-Well.. I don't w-want to be w-weird or anything... a-and I w-want to keep our f-friendship..."

"Nothing could ever end our friendship George." Dream answered in a confident tone.

"U-Um alright?" He answered before just going for it. "D-Dream... I-I-I love you." He winced, preparing for the rejection if there was one.

Dream froze mid step and stood there, you couldn't tell the emotion behind his mask, but all he felt was pure happiness. He tore off his mask and grabbed George in a hug, "George! I love you too." He brought their faces closer together and George held his breath for the moment.

It was a mutual feeling... the two friends and now probably boyfriends, brought their faces together and then kissed, when their lips touched it was like pure joy was the only emotion you could feel. They pushed their lips against each other's and stayed there, frozen in time. When the two finally had to pull away to breathe, they stared into each other's eyes. George blushed and Dream did the same.

"I love you." Dream murmured, hugging George.

George's head was against the taller male's chest and he smiled and said it back, "I love you too."

The two stayed there before sitting down in the moonlight together, stargazing. "Does this mean we're together? Like boyfriends?" George asks as the two lay there, enjoying each other's company.

Dream let out a sigh and closed his eyes. His mask lay at his foot, was he truly ready for this? For his one dream to come true? Yes. Yes he was. He got up and crawled over to George and then brought their lips together for a moment more, when he pulled away he asked, "Does that answer your question." George just beamed with pure joy from ear to ear.

The two males slept next to each other the rest of the night. Dream rubbed his head in the dream world as he was thrusted into the safety from his normal nightmare about killing Schlatt. Sapnap appeared a moment after smiling, "You really need to fix your nightmares Dream." He came over, hugging Dream. "Where are ya? Had to work a bit harder to get to you so you're not in your tent."

Dream chuckled, "Ah... I'll tell you when we get back."

"WE?! DREAM WHO ARE YOU WITH?! TELL ME." Sapnap shook Dream's taller figure.

"No, you have to wait like the rest of the people there."

"Awwww... is it George?" He inquired.

Dream rolled his eyes, not answering, "Goodbye Sapnap, I'll see you soon."

As the dream world faded around him, Sapnap shouted, "IT IS GEORGE! HAH I KNEW IT."

When morning came, they woke up early with the sun. Dream rubbed his head, brushing off the pine needles. He smiled at George, "I love you." He said again.

"I love you too Dream." He smiled as he brushed himself off, picking up Dream's mask for him.

"Here, you'll probably want this for when we get back."

"I wish we didn't have to go back." Dream murmured, "I just want to stay with you forever." He took the mask hesitantly from his lover.

George chuckled, "Me too, but we have a duty to our friends, so we have to go back. You especially." He held out his hand to hold it.

"You got to be right, alright, let's go." He said, taking George's hand in his own and then starting to walk back. When they were closer, Dream slid on his mask, and now was the time to share. Everyone had a right to know after all. They were a team, and teams didn't keep secrets from each other.

The 2 arrived at camp and clearly, Sapnap had told them all something because everyone was gathered, awaiting their arrival. Sapnap raised a brow at Dream when he saw George but everyone simply waited. Dream swallowed, now nervous.

George took the opportunity and cleared his throat. "We have something to tell you all." He began, "Me and Dream are..." He looked at Dream raising a brow to say it.

"Boyfriends." Dream managed to say without stuttering.

The small crowd erupted with cheers of congratulations. Sapnap and Techno came over, being the two's closest friends. They all hugged each other warmly.

Techno laughed, "This had better mean that you two sleep together! I WANT GEORGE's TENT!" He said enthusiastically. Techno, being the big man, had decided to sleep out on the pine needles like he did in the olden days.

George smiled, "If Dream is comfortable, then yes you can Techno."

Dream smiled, "Of course you can George."

Tommy came over being the normal teenager he was, "THE DYNAMIC DUO! YES! Did you guys fuck in the forest?! Is that why you're back so late?! Ah, tell me the details! DETAILS YOU AMERICAN ACCENT SCUM!"

"Tommy, fuck you." Dream said laughing.

Hope you're all enjoying the story! Don't forget to comment and vote! I read every single comment and take in all opinions :)

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