Part 5

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Dream sat on his bed, he felt like crap. He had just lost the one battle he was supposed to win and he fucked it up. Bad too. He clenched his fist and just sighed angrily. He couldn't use his stinking power, the one and only one he had to use. He almost got everyone killed, he did everything wrong. The Schlatt army knew the rebellion was there, who was in it, and more. Suddenly the door opened and light from the sun shone through into the darkroom.

George popped his head in, spotting Dream sitting on the bed looking negative. He sighed and came over, sitting down beside the fellow male. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"I fucked up." He muttered, "Everything is ruined just because I couldn't see."

"It's not your fault Dream, Techno and I were losing a lot of the fights when Fundy hopped into the mess. We couldn't free Wilbur or Tubbo." He said, trying to make his friend feel better. George carefully laid a hand on Dream's shoulder.Dream raised his head and sighed. When George laid his hand on his shoulder, he held back a flinch of surprise and instead smiled, as a way of saying, 'Thank you.' before he leaned a bit over onto George. He hoped George wouldn't take it the wrong way, but it comforted Dream, and behind his mask, he knew he was blushing madly.

George smiled as his friend leaned on him. He couldn't help but feel some butterflies go off in his stomach, but he couldn't help it. He looked down at Dream whose head was on his shoulder and he smiled. Nobody else was in, and Sapnap wasn't going to come in any time soon, he was training with Techno, so they had all the time they wanted at this moment... He lifted his opposite hand and then started to play with Dream's blond hair. "Do you want to take off your mask? Nobody is coming in any time soon unless it's a complete surprise."

The other male smiled, "Yeah..." He raised his head a bit and then pulled off his mask to reveal his scar and face. He looked at George and smiled. He had bright green eyes, and everywhere except the scar was completely perfect skin. The scar... the scar must have taught him something. He sighed, he had a mix of feelings, he felt ones like he should just kiss George, but in reality, he shouldn't. He thought George was straight and that would just be weird.
George smiled, feeling a bit of tenseness in the air, but he didn't make any moves.

---------- 1 week later ----------

Dream was fighting with Techno again, they were both with their weapons. Dream lunged forward with his blue sword in hand, but the other's axe stopped it from almost hitting him. He pushed forward, using all of his strength to push Dream back. The man in the green hoodie cringed. Wrong move. He pushed, but he was slipping, when he was getting low, he suddenly let go of his sword and darted out of the way, and Techno crashed to the ground, and Dream swiftly grabbed his sword from the ground and put his foot on Techno's back with his sword at a neck. He stood there for a moment more before Techno slouched in defeat. "Good fight Dream." He said as Dream pulled him up.

"Good fight indeed Technoblade." He chuckled a tiny bit and Techno just rolled his eyes.

Suddenly there was a crash, a boom... an explosion. Everyone seemed to panic in that moment, running away from the entrance to their camp. Then we could see what had happened.

Someone was flying into the area, dropping bombs on whatever they could. Everyone was lucky they couldn't see the expression on Dream's face, because he looked terrified. He shouted at everyone, "RUN! Just- Just get out!" He ordered and everyone nodded, they were lucky they weren't in the cabins, because they would have already been dead.

George was struggling to get away from the smoke and fire. Dream spotted him and ran over, letting him lean on him, "Come on, come on." He muttered to himself. He passed George over to Techno just as Dream spotted what looked like a body in the smoke and fire. In reality, it was nothing, but he didn't know that and instead rushed back in, putting his sleeve over his mouth part on his mask and then ran into the haze. As soon as he spotted that there was no body, he felt instantly stupid and started to run back. Ahead, he could see George calling his name to safety, but it was too late.

Antfrost, a loyal Schlatt army member dove in and dropped a bomb right in front of Dream that exploded on impact. Dream was flung through the air and when he landed, he was knocked out. George screamed and instantly rushed back into the smoke, looking for Dream, he shifted into a gorilla to make sure he would be able to lift everything out of his way. When he saw Dream's body, it was scarred and burned, but he was breathing.... breathing! Yes breathing! George sighed with relief and then grabbed Dream and ran.

---------- 3 Days later ----------

George was sitting at the edge of the medical bed, they were too far away from Nikki to get healing and instead had to rely on Bad, who claimed he knew what he was doing. He was crying softly, Dream still hadn't awoken and his condition couldn't improve without him getting even the slightest bit better. He held onto Dream's hand, hoping, praying he was going to be alright. Even Sapnap couldn't get to him in this state. He sighed, but then.. a twitch, a movement!

Dream's hand had moved! Yes! George raised his head, wiping his tears from his soaken cheeks. The hand twitched once more before moving up to rub the eyes of the long sleeping green hooded man. His mask was off, but only because George was in here. Everyone else was respectable to actually put the mask on for him.

Dream rubbed his eyes and soon his eyelids shifted and opened. He looked around, trying to raise his head, but quickly failing. His chest hurt like heck and his back.. not much better. One leg was throbbing and one wrist felt like it was broken. He looked around the place he was. The forest. Suddenly he saw the red-eyed George looking at him with the biggest grin he'd ever seen. "W-What happened?" Was the only thing that came to mind.

"After we got attacked by the Schlatt army, we ran into the forest, too far away to get you to Nikki, so Bad had to try and help. You've been asleep for 3 days. Your wrist is broken, your chest burned, your lower back also burned but not as bad, and you got a broken ankle along with a dislocated knee."

"Dang..." He sighed, gritting at the pain, "I think I can believe that." He groaned. He noticed the red eyes that seemed ever so slightly puffing on George, "Have you been crying?" He asked, bringing his uninjured hand over to ruffle the other male's hair.

George just laughed as tears came out, "Y-yes?" He knew this was awkward.

"What for?"

"For you. Dream."

Hey there guys! Hope everyone is enjoying this story as much as I am! Does anyone have any criques they'd like to share or additional ideas I might decide to add to the story?

And in case you were wondering, no, they are not going to kiss JUST YET, but it may be a little bit cute :)

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