Part 1

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NOTE: I'm not trying to put anyone in a weird position. Dream and anybody else in this story have their own feelings in real life, this is just me guessing and deciding they'd make good characters for this. I respect Dream's and George's sexualities and anything else. If they say no more shipping, no more shipping and this story will be unpublished and be private only to me. So anyway, there may be a few triggers in here, and I ain't going through to warn you about every single one. So take this warning and go on with life.

Dream breathed heavily with fear, he held his head. He had been trying to calm himself from his fate for even a moment to practice his powers, but he couldn't. He let out a angry huff of air and stomped his way back to the camp of the rebels. Schlatt had no idea that rebels actually existed, but he did know Dream existed, because of their shared power. Elemental control. That was the only power Schlatt had any idea he had, but Dream had more. He had super senses, he could see more than a mile at a time, hear and smell things from way farther than anyone else. He was also WAY smarter than he ought to be. He didn't know how, but somehow by having multiple powers, which he was born with, he was much smarter.

He had lived in fear of Schlatt for his whole life... 21 years... , never able to use his powers, not even once. A few others he had found and made a group. It consisted of George, a shape-shifter; Sapnap, a dream watcher; Tommy, a fireball shooter; and Techno who was known for his extreme fighting power. He could beat anyone, maybe not Dream as easily as most, but yeah... He was doomed with fate to save those with Schlatt. We all knew they were treated horribly, only having their powers, but with Schlatt having the most powerful power, he could not be angered or they risked their lives.

Dream was weak. His friends had to help him out in a lot of situations, in their minds, he only had 1 power, super senses, but a secret power they knew, but normally forgot about lying underneath, unable to use for the entirety of his life except for once when he found Techno. That was when Schlatt knew he had found that power, that was when the world turned upside down. It was the day he feared and hated to remember. He shook, spotting his friend, George. He walked over sighing, "Yet another fail." He muttered with a depressed tone. He had feelings for him... but he knew George didn't for him. At least he thought. He didn't know, but George was gay, just like him. But both boys didn't know.

George turned to look at his friend, feeling a butterfly come up from his tummy, "Aw, you'll do better next time Dream! Come on, don't give up!" He patted his friend's back in a supportive way.

Dream smiled, "Ah.. well... thanks George." George always knew how to cheer him up, from kind words, physical contact, anything. He let out a sigh, hearing fighting from the side. "Is Techno beating Tommy up again?"

"How'd you know? Yeah, Tommy challenged Techno again, I don't think it's going well for him." The other male said with a chuckle.

Dream chuckled as well, letting out a slight wheezing laugh. The only thing that could cheer him up, but it didn't allow him to use his powers. He let out a heavy sigh and then proceeded to walk off. He loved George, one of the best people he could talk to to be completely honest. He glanced in the direction of the fight going on and sharpened his vision on command. He could see Techno holding Tommy down, by the head to prevent him from shooting fire balls. Dream chuckled and walked over, "Tommy, will you ever learn?"


"Tommy, I'm not stupid. It's a sucide mission, I may be good, but I'm not that good." Techno replied looking at Dream with a cheerful expression.

A Fate of Fear | DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now