Part 3

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Dream woke up the next morning, he hadn't dreamed last night, that was good. No stress for him during the fight. He fidgeted in his bed, going over scenarios in his head, trying to at least feel prepared for a fight, even if he knew it wouldn't work, it still calmed him. He let out a sigh, knowing it was useless.

He raised himself out of the bed and came out of the house he stayed in, well, it was more of a tent. He saw the others rising as well. Techno walked over, "We'll fight, and win, or die trying." He said with a confident voice and neutral expression. How was Techno so good at seeming like he didn't care? Like, come on... who can really keep a straight face the whole day? Apparently Techno.

He sat in the middle of the camp as the early morning passed. He sighed, everyone was ready. He wasn't, but he couldn't turn back now. He glanced back at the other members, taking a bit longer of a pause on George, and then the group set off. They killed the guards outside the walls of the city and then they paused at the wall, looking up, each knowing their fate.

Dream had crumpled a few times on the way here. He started to wonder what Schlatt was using his powers for. He pulled through though, although slightly weaker, he would push through for his friends. He huffed and then scaled the wall, pausing before he leaped into the city. He looked at George who gave him a nod and then dropped, with an eagle shape.

The plan? George was going to distract them and then Dream and everyone else would swoop in and kill anyone who was actually distracted. George dive-bombed one of the guards who swore loudly, earning a "LANGUAGE" from somebody underneath in the jail cell they were guarding. 

Dream let out a breath and a small chuckle. Only one man gave the language stick. "Bad's there." He muttered to the rest of the group in case they didn't hear. They all nodded, knowing they would have to rescue him. Dream sighed, trying to control his fear before they leaped down. He landed on his feet, slaying a man in front of him using his signature blue sword. Techno threw himself after the rest with his ax, the very aze that gave Dream his scar...

Dream trudged around in the deep mud as a light sprinkle rained down from the sky. He suddenly spitted large footprints, or rather, hoofprints. Another person! He thought immediately. He was only 17 years old right now... and he still had a shown face. He walked carefully, following the hoofprints. He spotted a man ahead, sharpening an ax that looked like it was made of an evil iron or metal. It was pitch black.

Dream expertly crept forward toward what he thought was a man. He stood in the shadows and then spoke confidently. He was one of the best fighters in the area right? The night shined upon the young man's freckles. "Who are you?" He asked.

The other man jumped to his feet in an instant, scanning the area before settling his eyes on Dream's half-hidden body. "Who wants to know?"

Dream exited the shadows, showing the mysterious man his whole self. "I am called Dream." He spoke with conviction, "Now, who are you to spend the night so near my home?"

"I am called Techno. Technoblade." He took a step forward with ax in hand. "Who said I couldn't spend the night here? It's away from Schlatt, has food and water. I may end up staying here."

Dream tightened his fist, now noticing the man's hooves and ears. "Prove yourself worthy then. I am known as the best fighter and the starter of the rebellion. You may only stay in you join and even get close to beating me."

"Very well Dream. I will, but beware, my power is much stronger than your ego." And then he leaped, swinging his aze above Dream's head who ducked just in time.

Dream threw a sudden punch at Techno's leg, hitting it hard, but Techno had something better in mind. He started to fall but swung his ax at Dream's face as he did so. Dream could hear it rushing through the air, but he couldn't move fast enough as the blade cut from his upper left eyebrow down to his lower right lip. All the way across his face. That was when he screamed bloody murder and threw a strong gust of wind, fire, water, and earth at the other. He toppled over, knowing he had lost.

Techno swiftly dodged the giant throw of elemental powers and stepped forward toward the young man. He dropped his aze and then spoke, "I have proven myself hmm? My power is my fighting ability, you had no chance strange Dream. Apologies for scaring your face, but I was aggravated." He paused a moment to look at Dream's face that was now dripping blood.

Dream tore off part of his undershirt, the shirt under his green hoodie, and pressed the fabric to his face. "How did you use the Elemental Powers? I thought only Schlatt had that power."

Dream answered, "I'm the one born to kill him, but I have no control over my abilities yet. Welcome to the rebellion although Techno, but fuck you about the scar."

Techno chuckled and then pulled a smiley face mask from his bag. "Use this, I used it during my escape from Schlatt, but you can use it to hide that scar." He explained. That was when Techno joined the rebellion and Dream earned his scar, signature mask and this very event led him to get a weapon, his sword.

Dream snapped back to himself, tearing his gaze away from Techno's ax and then at the bars that held Bad. He got his hunting knife from his back pocket, deciding to sheathe his blue blade against his hip. He quickly picked the lock and yelled at the man inside, "BAD! Come on, you can leave! Get to safety while we get the others and kill Schlatt!" At least that was the plan...

Bad shook his head, "I'm helping! I'M RESCUING SKEPPY!" He yelled and then proceeded to power himself out of the hole using muffins. Muffins. Yes, Bad had the power to create any type of muffin at any time, and when he was angry... it wasn't good.

The masked man rolled his eyes and then nodded, "Then just follow Techno, he's supposed to be freeing these fools like I am, but then I gotta go slice and dice Schlatt." Then Dream was off, he ran deeper into the territory of Schlatt's, the one where he kept all the people with powers and forced them to do his bidding.

Schlatt was a businessman, and all he wanted was money and power. He had gathered up all people with powers, mostly when they were young, like Techno, George, Sapnap... They were all born in these borders until they got the confidence and realization that they were being forced to do things, not live their lives. So they escaped, not at once, but slowly, a few ones with powers started to escape.. to form the resistance, the rebellion. Dream had found George when he was 18, while Dream was 15... Sure it was an age difference, but because of the fact that Dream had the power, he joined.

The only way he knew was through the markings. The markings that marked every individual person with power. Some had a force field, some had a dream walker, but they all had a marking. It was located on their right hand's palm, engraved. Dream had thought at first that having 3 powers on his palm was normal, but when he met George, he learned quickly it wasn't.

Dream had been born in the Schlatt kingdom, hidden away for his power was so great. His parents, when he was 12 years old, carried him away into the forest and told him his fate. He grew to fear, he had already been told that using his power was bad, but now he was being told it had to be used to kill somebody? He didn't understand. 

He had learned to survive that very night, his intelligence grew even more in one night. He learned to survive, he learned what wanted to eat him, and more. His senses were the only reason he actually survived... but when he found George, and they joined together with Sapnap about a week later... it was starting to come together. Dream had a fate, and he couldn't get out of it... but he had to do this, people with powers, just like him were suffering for choices they didn't have a say in. The choice of power.

Dream slay another guard, and he met up with George and Sapnap, and they walked through the palace doors, each with a weapon in hand. Dream shot his head over as he heard a laugh, it was from the center of the room. He focused his eyesight, shifting George out of the way. It was Schlatt... He laughed and then suddenly they were blasted into a wall by a powerful gust of wind.

His vision wavered as he hit the opposite wall. He took one glance and saw George had been knocked out. He coughed, the only one who had survived the hit... but Schlatt had different ideas and then again blasted wind, knocking Dream, and the resistance's only hope of winning.

Aha, yes, I'm so evil. Cliff hanger.
Hello to the few viewers I got, hope the story is good! literally addicted to it at this point... this is more of a filler chapter to explain/get some points across and kind of develop the story a bit, so sorry if it was a bit boring, I did me best

A Fate of Fear | DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now