Chapter 2

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It was already late afternoon when Jisoo went to the park to walk the dogs. Kuma, her sister's dog, was brown and puffy, while Dalgom, her own dog, had a soft, white fur. She sat on the bench and let the pets run and play together which they loved to do every time they were outside together. After watching them running wildly around the bushes for awhile, Jisoo thoughts went back again to the issue of her future. Did she really want to study law or did she choose it just because of her parents? Her grades were excellent and she enjoyed college quite a bit, but... "I really don't see myself as a lawyer. And I certainly don't want to work in my father's company. Damn it, I'm twenty one and I don't even know what I want to do for a living." she realized, suddenly upset at herself. Interrupted by Dalgom licking her hand, she pet the dog, immediately forgetting about her confusing contemplations.

"Oh my god, you're so cute! And where did you leave Kuma?" she asked the dog playfully, but the light smile slowly vanished from her mouth as she glanced around. The brown dog was nowhere to be seen. She rose to her feet and continued to look for Kuma, it had to be nearby, she only let her mind wander for just a minute! She ran to the nearby trees and nervously looked behind the bushes. No sight of Kuma.

"Kuma!" she shouted several times. Nothing.

"Oh, no..." she whispered and sensed a painful, crushing feeling in her chest. With a cold sweat on her forehead, she asked several people if they had seen the dog, but no one did. She didn't even have any idea where to look, it could have gone anywhere. Without even realizing it, she started crying and tears started dropping from her eyes. She was supposed to be the responsible older sister and she had just lost Jennie's dog! Barely seeing the phone screen, she called her sister.

Thirty minutes and several apologies later, still with red and wet eyes, Jisoo was searching the park with Jennie at her side, with two family bodyguards helping them. Her younger sister was clearly looking crushed, but, surprisingly, didn't cry.

"I'm so sorry, Jen." Jisoo repeated for the tenth time, sniffing.

"Don't worry, we'll find him, we have to." Jennie replied, trying to convince herself that everything was going to be alright, but her voice was very shaky. Both girls almost jumped when Jennie's phone rang. Jisoo was watching her sister intently while she took the call.

"Yes, that's me." Jennie replied to the question and when she heard the news, the tense expression on her face slowly relaxed. "Thank you very much! We'll be there in ten minutes." Letting out a deep sigh, she hung up and almost yelled: "Someone found him! Oh my god, he's safe!"

Jisoo's relief was so huge that she almost broke into tears again. Barely managing to compose herself, she said: "Let's go get the driver. Where are we going?"

"The woman who found him said she'd send me the exact address." just when she finished talking, her phone buzzed and the message appeared.

"It was a saving grace that Kuma had been microchipped and my phone number was there. Okay, let's go." Jennie put her arm around Jisoo and caressed her shoulder: a simple, gentle touch to make sure her sister knew that she wasn't to blame for anything.

Several minutes later their limousine came to a halt in front of an ugly-looking building.

"Wait for us here." Jisoo said to their driver and two bodyguards.

"Are you sure, miss? It's a bad neighborhood, it can be dangerous to walk here alone."

"It's not bad, just a poor one."

"Isn't it the same thing?" the driver protested, but seeing Jisoo's indignant gaze, he made an apologetic gesture and gave up. They stayed in the car while two girls went inside the building, looking for the apartment number twenty.

There was no elevator so they climbed the dimly lit staircase, staring with confusion at the dirty walls, covered with stains and bad quality graffiti. The smell was also quite unpleasant and Jisoo even covered her nose with her hand. Coming from a very rich family, neither of the Kim girls was used to being in places like this so Jennie glanced at her sister and whispered in disbelief:

"How can people live here?"

Jisoo didn't reply and kept going up, carefully trying not to touch anything with her hands or her clothes. Once they reached the third floor, they easily spotted the door to the apartment. Jennie pressed the door bell, but there was no sound, it didn't seem to work. After waiting patiently for a minute, Jisoo finally decided to knock, they heard the approaching footsteps and the door swung open.

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