Chapter 19

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A week later Jisoo found herself staring at the phone screen, her finger hovering over Rosé's contact. "Would it be really so wrong to call her?" her mind kept asking. She missed the silver-haired girl a lot, her serene attitude, her bright mind and these precious faint smiles that were so frequently appearing on her mouth...

Suddenly the phone rang and Jisoo jumped up, so shocked that she the phone fell from her hands on the floor. After picking it up quickly, she got another surprise, but this one definitely much more pleasant: Rosé's name appeared on the screen.

"Hi." she greeted her as she took the call.

"Hi Jisoo, sorry for calling you like that, especially after what I told you last time we met, but... Uhm... we may have to talk about something. Lisa has been really weird recently and I think it might something to do with Jennie-"

"Yeah, I noticed the same thing! Jennie's very distraught since last Sunday-"

"Exactly! Last Sunday something might have happened between them and we have to learn what it was. So what do you say, can we meet today?"

"Of course!" Jisoo replied a little to eagerly, not able to contain her excitement.

"I'll text you the address, it's our new apartment, it's much nicer than the last one, you'll see."

"Wow, really?"

"Yeah." Rosé sounded clearly happy. "A few days ago me and Lisa got some really good news and... things got a lot better for us financially so we decided to rent a new place. Besides Seulgi and Irene have become so damn clingy recently that they really needed the apartment to themselves alone." she finished with a joke and Jisoo giggled delightedly.

"So 6 pm?"

"Sure, I'll see you then."

A split second after ending the call, Jisoo hopped on the bed, uttering a loud, happy squeal, overjoyed that her plan had worked. "Yes! I did it! Rosé and Lisa shouldn't have to worry about money anymore and once their parents are out of jail, everything should be fine." she thought with pride. But there was another reason why a joyful grin was lingering on her face and her eyes kept sparkling: she was going to see Rosé again. Full of energy, she opened her wardrobe, she definitely needed to pick something really dazzling for the evening.


"I'm happy to see you again." Rosé greeted her and invited her inside, noticing brunette's elegant outfit accompanied by an impeccable makeup. "Wow, you look... amazing. I wish I could pull off a look like that."

Jisoo blushed a little hearing the compliment and seeing admiration in Rosé's gaze. "Thanks. And you were right, this place looks great, congratulations!"

"It's much larger too, to be honest I was quite fed up with living in a small apartment. And I finally don't have to share a bedroom with Lisa, I mean it was okay, but it's such a relief to have some personal space now."

When she mentioned the Thai's name, Jisoo suddenly realized that Lisa wasn't there which meant there were just the two of them. Not knowing if the perspective of being alone with the silver-haired girl was making her more excited or more scared, she anxiously ran her fingers through her hair and changed the subject:

"So you mentioned that Lisa had been acting strange recently?"

"I'll tell you everything in a minute, just sit down on the couch and I'll get you something to drink. Is orange juice alright?"

"Yeah, it's fine." Jisoo sat down, more and more nervous with each passing second.

The other girl soon returned with two glasses in her hands and gave one of them to the brunette.

"So I immediately noticed that something was off when Lisa came back really upset last Sunday, I hadn't seen her like that in a long time. But when I tried to talk to her about it, she just kept lying to my face that everything was fine. Then Jennie's name came up and Lisa just went on a yelling rant, but then she became even more sad. And since then she's like that all the time."

"I had a similar conversation with my sister, she didn't deny that something was wrong, but didn't want to tell me what it was." Jisoo explained. "I don't know what to think, did they have another argument or what?"

"If they had an argument, Lisa would be all furious, not sad."

"Hmm, maybe you're right."

"You know what? I just had an idea." Rosé clapped her hands. "Let's all meet together using some pretext and we'll just observe them."

"I doubt they'd agree to meet."

"They don't have to know that they'll be meeting each other." Rosé winked.

"Wow, your mind is seriously something else." Jisoo said, staring at her in awe and for a moment she desired saying more, much more. "Come on, ask her out!" her heart insisted, but her brain was stopping her: "You don't even know if she's into girls, just wait for a better moment."

Jisoo never got to know who would win this battle, her heart or her brain, because it was interrupted by someone knocking. Rosé stood up and hurried to the door, visibly surprised because she didn't expect anyone. When the door swung open, Jisoo saw an attractive young girl, smiling at Rosé warmly.

"Suzy? Hi!" Rosé was clearly delighted to see her.

"I thought I'd come by with a surprise visit. I brought some cookies and of course a bottle of wine-" she paused, seeing Jisoo sitting on the couch.

"Sure, come in, this is a great idea, I'd love to spend the evening with you, honey." Rosé replied and briefly kissed the girl on the lips.

Jisoo felt as if her entire world had just collapsed. Everything around her suddenly became hazed, like a very old film played in slow motion. Even the sounds became muffled by the wheezing in her ears and the loud thumping of her heart. The rest of the conversation was like a blur, Suzy apparently was Rosé's girlfriend for several months, but they broke up last year and just got back together three days ago. Jisoo vaguely remembered that Rosé presented her to Suzy as her friend and they exchanged some pleasantries, but she couldn't even tell what they were exactly talking about. Just five minutes later, the pain became unbearable. "I need to get out of here." Jisoo thought in panic, knowing for sure that she couldn't stand seeing Rosé with her girlfriend for another second, it was tearing her heart apart. So she excused herself, lied that she had something important to do and left in a hurry. When she came back home, crushed and heartbroken, the tears which she had been holding back finally started to slowly pour out of her desolate eyes.

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