Chapter 20

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"What? I thought you didn't like such things." Lisa said in surprise when Rosé suggested going to one of escape rooms in Seoul. "Escape room" was just a game which had become extremely popular in Korea in recent years. The idea was that people were locked in a special room and had to escape by solving clues before the time runs up.

"Can't you go with Suzy?" Lisa asked, wincing a little. She wasn't particularly fond of her friend's girlfriend and sometimes she had trouble hiding it. She still couldn't forget how Suzy broke up with Rosé a year ago, after their financial trouble started. And when they were back on their feet again, Suzy suddenly wanted to get back together: it was just a little too convenient for Lisa. Maybe even suspicious.

"She can't go, she's working today. Come on, it will be fun." Rosé pleaded, pouting her lips, but Lisa clearly wasn't in the mood for anything fun, judging by the sad grimace on her face. "Lisa, you've been in a bad mood for almost a week now, maybe this is what you need to cheer up a bit."

"I don't need any cheering up."

"No, of course you don't. You're practically beaming with happiness." Rosé said with a palpable irony, rolling her eyes.

Lisa hesitated. Of course it was true that the last week had been an emotional disaster for her after what had happened with Jennie... She was still convinced that she hated the brunette, everything about her was making Lisa irrationally angry. But it didn't change the fact that she had trouble concentrating on anything else that the memory of the brunette with feline eyes moaning with pleasure while licking Lisa's thumb... Or that she felt her body tingling with lust whenever she remembered Jennie's beautifully dazed face at the moment of orgasm...

"Lisa? So what's it going to be?" Rosé's voice woke her up from daydreaming.

"Fine, but I'm doing it just for you." Lisa agreed because she came to the conclusion that any distraction which could remove Jennie from pestering her mind would be more than welcome.


"Did you understand the rules?" the manager of the escape room asked and Rosé nodded. "Okay, I'll lead you to the room and lock you up. Remember, you'll be paired up with another team and you'll have just thirty minutes to escape."

"Understood. Let's go already." Lisa said impatiently.

A few minutes later, the door shut behind them and they were standing in the small room. There was nothing particularly interesting about it, except two other girls already sitting at the table.

"Well, shit." Lisa muttered quietly as she recognized Jisoo and Jennie. "Did you know they'd be here? Why the hell am I even asking, of course you did, it's some kind of setup!" she yelled angrily at Rosé who didn't even bother denying.

"Chu, what the fuck is this?" Jennie rose to her feet, equally furious.

Jisoo didn't reply right away, her face was resigned but oddly calm. Yesterday her mood reached rock bottom when she learned about Rosé's new girlfriend, but, paradoxically, that's when she found her strength, like someone who found out that she didn't have to care about anything anymore. Then she spoke slowly, in a steadfast voice, the kind which made everyone listen and immediately obey.

"Lisa and Jennie, listen to me very carefully now. To be honest we're sick and tired of both of you behaving like bratty kids, don't you see how immature and pathetic it is? I don't know why you seem to be so insistent on hating each other, and, to be honest, I no longer give a shit. But you will learn how to be civil with each other, do you understand? Because we've had enough of you childish games. Don't you think it's time to grow the fuck up already?" she paused but no one dared to utter a word. "And now back to the game: the goal is to find the right combination to defuse the fake bomb before it explodes and to find the way to escape the room. You will be a team which will try to deal with the bomb and Rosé and I will try to find the escape route. Is that clear?" her gaze was so full of authority that both Lisa and Jennie instantly nodded. "Good. Maybe if you cooperate, you'll learn to tolerate each other. Get to work."

Both younger girls seemed quite ashamed by how Jisoo scolded them, mostly because they both knew perfectly well that she was right in everything she said. They sat at the table and began looking at the clues, while Rosé joined Jisoo in her attempts to find the hidden exit.

"Wow, that was quite a speech." Rosé said with a soft smile, evidently impressed. "I've never seen Lisa obey someone like that without throwing a tantrum first." To her surprise, Jisoo didn't smile back, she didn't even react to the compliment in any way. If anything, her expression only turned more sad.

"So I don't think the escape route is through the door, I don't see any way to open it." she said matter-of-factly and Rosé raised a brow.

"Jisoo, forgive me for asking, but is everything okay? You seem upset."

"I just have some... personal problems." Jisoo stammered out, lying was always difficult for her. She hoped that Rosé wouldn't pry and indeed, she was considerate enough not to ask about it more. But she made a move to comfort her and the brunette jumped away as soon as she felt Rosé's hand on her back.

"Let's check the other side of the room." she changed the topic awkwardly, leaving Rosé perplexed by how Jisoo avoided her touch.

Just fifteen minutes later Jennie raised her hand proudly. "I think we got it."

Lisa quickly pressed the numbers on the keypad and the message appeared on the screen: "Code correct. The bomb has been deactivated."

"It was kind of easy really." the Thai said, smiling and instinctively hit the high five with Jennie, which made them both blush and look away from each other.

"Wow, fifteen minutes must be some kind of a record, the manager told us no one had done it under twenty minutes. You see, you work so well together, why do you hate each other so much?" Rosé asked.

Jennie and Lisa glanced awkwardly at each other, not knowing what to reply.

"And I found a way out. There's a hidden ventilation shaft behind this cabinet." they heard Jisoo's voice from the other side of the room. "Give me that screwdriver, we can use it to open the shaft. A person can easily squeeze in there."

"How do you know it leads outside, maybe it's just a regular ventilation shaft?" Rosé wasn't convinced.

"Because it's not dusty, people already went through here." Jisoo replied and Rosé's mouth dropped in amazement.

"That's brilliant thinking! You're a real detective Jisoo." she praised her, but yet again, the brunette didn't respond with a smile. She just couldn't. Because in her mind she kept imagining Rosé coming back to her apartment and cuddling with Suzy, joking with her, laughing with her. And kissing her... No, there wasn't a compliment in the world that could make Jisoo smile right now.

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