Chapter 13

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The next morning Lisa slept until late, it was Saturday so she didn't have to go to Jennie's school. Instead, she spent half a day exploring the contents of Jennie's wardrobe, trying every dress and every blouse and admiring the effect in the mirror. As much as enjoyable it was, the Thai got bored after two hours and decided to do something more interesting. For whatever reason, Jennie popped in her mind and a sly smile found its way to Lisa's lips. "I have a great idea for the afternoon." she thought, visibly pleased with her new plan.

Jennie was in the middle of her work day at Lisa's job, it was still afternoon but she already had enough of it. Then her tired gaze stopped at the person who had just came in and the brunette was so surprised that she almost dropped the tray. It was Lisa, of course in Jennie's body, nonchalantly looking for a place to sit.

"What are you doing here!?" Jennie whisper-hissed furiously to the Thai.

"I was hungry so I thought I could eat something here." she replied with the most innocent look on her face.

"You know what I mean! Why here!?"

"Okay I guess I can tell you. I had this ingenious idea that it would be fun if I could make you wait tables on me."

"How is it fun!?"

"Well, it'll be fun for me. For you, not so much I'm afraid." Lisa replied and Jennie hated how infuriatingly calm the Thai was being. Meanwhile Lisa sat at the nearest table, took the menu and began to read it.

"You can't be serious." Jennie still couldn't believe what was happening.

"Oh, but I am." Lisa closed the menu. "I'll have a chicken burger, fries and a small beer."

Jennie hesitated. It was clear that Lisa took pleasure in this spectacle, she wanted to push Jennie to her limit, provoke her. "If I refuse to do my work, I could get fired and then Lisa would win our bet. No, that can't happen. Fine, I'll get her this stupid order, it's not a big deal." she decided in her mind.

"Right away miss." Jennie said with the most fake polite voice that Lisa had ever heard. She passed the order to the kitchen, poured a small glass of beer and took it to Lisa's table.

"Here you are." she said very politely again, although her blood in her veins was nearly boiling.

"Thank you. And would you mind cleaning the table a little bit, someone spilled something here." Lisa asked and Jennie glanced at the table which was indeed slightly moist, although Jennie was sure she had cleaned it before. So Lisa must have spilled water deliberately.

"You must be fucking kidding me." she hissed, looking around, making sure the manager wasn't watching.

"That's not how you should talk to a client, should I call your manager and file a complaint against you?" Lisa was visibly enjoying herself, judging by a light smirk on her face. Barely containing her fury, Jennie sent her a death glare. Then she proceeded to wipe the table with a paper towel, while Lisa was watching her, amused.

Five minutes later Lisa's meal was ready, Jennie brought it to her with a fake smile, convinced that it was the end of her ordeal. She couldn't have been more wrong.

"Oh I'm so sorry." Lisa said in a high-pitched voice. "I forgot to tell you that I can't eat onion, could you remove it from the burger for me? I hope it's not a problem."

So mad that she was seeing bright red spots in front of her eyes, all Jennie wanted was to tell the annoying Thai to fuck off, but she noticed the manager was watching them, so she swallowed her pride one more time.

"It's not a problem at all, I'll be right back." she answered, promising herself it would be the last thing she would do for Lisa that day. When she came back with the burger, Lisa just thanked her and Jennie let out a sigh of relief as she turned to leave.

"I'm sorry to bother you again, but I kind of spilled some beer on the floor." Lisa made an apologetic face. "I'm so clumsy."

It was too much for Jennie, she leaned over the table, looked down at Lisa with furious eyes and whisper hissed:

"Why the fuck are you doing this?"

Lisa responded with a fierce stare on her own.

"Did you already forget how you agreed to go on a date with Jungkook while being in my body?"

"Oh, so this is what it's about! For you information, I wanted to cancel that date, but after today you can totally forget about it."

"What!? Are you really going to go out with him!?" for the first time this day Lisa lost her temper. "You're so damn arrogant, I fucking swear-" then she suddenly paused, as if another idea dawned on her. "Okay, you can go on that date, be my guest. But you should know that this evening Kai is coming for dinner with his parents and I'm planning to be extra sweet to him."

"What the hell, no! He'll think that you're me and I don't want him to think I'm interested in him!"

Lisa smiled provocatively. "I hope after dinner we'll have a chance to be alone for a bit, I wonder if he's a good kisser."

Jennie's eyes were shooting daggers. "No, you can't do it, it's my body!" she yelled, but seeing that it wouldn't change the Thai's mind, she added: "Fine! You can kiss him all you want, but know that I'm going to make out with Jungkook tonight."

Lisa's lips trembled.

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Watch me."

Their staring battle was interrupted by the manager, who noticed how suspiciously long they were talking.

"Excuse me, is there a problem here?" he asked.

"No. There's no problem at all." Lisa answered coldly, without even turning her gaze away from Jennie. Then she stood up, casually dropped a bill on the table and headed out.

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