Chapter 16

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A gentle touch on her shoulder woke Jennie up.

"Jennie? You're yourself again, you can go home now." Rosé said.

The brunette opened her eyes, looked at her own hands and the feeling of extreme relief swept through her. Finally, this strange nightmare was over, she was in her own body again.

"I woke you up early so that you can leave before Irene or Seulgi see you." Rosé explained. "I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all. And thanks." Jennie rose to her feet and tiptoed to the bathroom.

An hour later she arrived at her house, where everyone was still sleeping, it was an early Sunday morning after all. Heading directly to her room, she entered without knocking, convinced that Lisa would already be up. She wasn't. Sleeping like a baby on a large bed, she was looking vulnerable and peaceful, a sharp contrast to how she seemed when she was awake. Jennie couldn't help staring at her for awhile, observing how she was breathing at regular intervals, her chest slowly moving up and down. Now that Lisa was sleeping and they weren't arguing, fighting or insulting each other, she finally had the time to observe how attractive the Thai was. Her face had no make up on but it was still undeniably beautiful, with cute cheeks, clearly outlined jawline and full, plump lips. Jennie leaned a little closer to get a better look, when all of a sudden Lisa yawned and her eyes opened.

"What the hell? What are you doing here?" she sat up, instantly awakened, and covered herself with a blanket.

"I... We're back in our own bodies so I came back here-"

"Have you been watching me sleep? You creep!"

"Pfft, don't flatter yourself, as if I didn't have better things to do. I just arrived when you woke up." Jennie lied. "Now would you be so kind to do me a favor and get out of my room as soon as possible?"

"Are you at least going to let me wash myself or you'll tell your bodyguards to throw me out?" Lisa asked with a palpable irony.

"Fine, you can go shower but be quick okay? I don't want my parents to see you here."

"You can always say that I'm your one night stand." Lisa teased her, smirking, and headed to the bathroom.

"Very funny Lisa, I'm literally bursting with laughter, haha." Jennie replied dryly as the Thai was going out. Left alone, she noticed with irritation that Lisa had moved some of her stuff in the room. "What an insolent bitch!" she thought, putting the lamp back to where it originally stood.

After Lisa came back, Jennie had to admit with almost intolerable frustration that she looked radiant with wet hair and her body covered just in a white bathrobe.

"So how did the dinner with Kai and his parents go? No trouble I hope?" she asked hoping that her mind would concentrate on something else than Lisa's innate sex appeal.

"Uhm..." Lisa lost her confidence a little bit. "There's one small thing. Kai was acting like a total jerk so I threw a glass of wine at him. Sorry. Actually I'm not sorry, I did you a favor. Although your parents might be quite pissed off at you for that."

Watching her with disbelieving eyes and her mouth wide open, Jennie's fury was slowly rising inside her.

"You had one fucking job Lisa! Why the hell did you do that, I might get in trouble!"

"What's the big deal, the guy was too touchy so I taught him a lesson." it was clear that Lisa didn't feel particularly guilty. On the contrary, it seemed that she was proud of herself.

"He wouldn't have been touchy without a reason! Tell me the truth, did you-"

"Okay, it was a little my fault." Lisa admitted cheekily. "I was kind of sweet to him at the beginning, but I swear, he took it way too far-"

"I knew it! You really are an insolent bitch!" Jennie's anger took complete control of her, her hands and lips were trembling, she couldn't stand anymore how someone like Lisa had just barged into her life and messed it all up, she just couldn't.

"I'd like to remind you that you went out on a date with Jungkook pretending to be me, so the only bitch here is you!" Lisa raised her voice.

"How dare you, we didn't even do anything!"

Lisa must have sensed something in Jennie's voice because she squinted her eyes and asked, suspicion flashing in her eyes:

"You sure said that quickly. Why are you so defensive? Tell me the truth, what did you do? Did you kiss him?"

"Just for a moment, I swear and then I stopped it-"

"Ugh, I could fucking expect you'd do something like that!" Lisa burst out, instantly enraged. "You're the most insufferable, conceited, arrogant brat-"

"Screw you, you whiny bitch! I don't want to see you again! You know what, you were right before, I'll tell my staff to throw you out!" Jennie made a move towards the door.

"Wait, we haven't finished yet!" Lisa yelled angrily and jumped after her, grabbing her by her sweater and pulling her back. To her surprise, she did it with such force that it dragged Jennie's tiny body backwards and she bumped into Lisa. Standing really close and breathing deeply, they stared at each other, their gazes full of unstoppable anger. With each passing second the tension kept rising until it exploded in a most unexpected way...

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