Chapter 2: You're scaredy-cat

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Scarlet POV

"Scarlet, you are back!"

"You scare the shit out of me!" I yelped when I turned to look at the person behind me. "Why are you shouting, babe?" She made me freak out. I clutched on my shirt near my heart.

"You are scaredy-cat." She mocked jokingly. I shut the door and sprinted to the couch where she was seated.

"What happened to you? You look terrified." I can't ignore her pale face.

"Sit here, I need to tell you something." She ignored my question. I stepped to her side, taking a seat beside her on the couch.

"Ok, tell me. You make me worried now." I gazed at her face with concern.

"I met someone in the cafe today. A guy-"

"Oh, wait, is this some kind of romance story? Are you in love?" I cut her off before she continues to speak. She threw the pillow and caused me almost fall to the ground.

"Clear that shit out of your mind, Scarlet." She said in a serious tone and I realized I mess with her at the wrong time.

"Okay, I'm sorry." I apologized with my puppy eyes which made her rolled her eyes in return.

"You remember the day you asked me to help you to take care of the cafe?" I nodded, remembering the day.

"There is a guy who came to the cafe. I entertained him and he placed his order like usual. At that time, I didn't think anything was odd about him. This morning, he came to me in the café when I was alone. I thought he just wants to befriend, so I talked to him but," she adjusted her seat and turned her body to face me completely, "Can you guess what is his name?" She looked at me as if I can read her mind.

"Babe, how could I know his name? I didn't meet him and I don't know who are you talking about here." I stared at her in confusion.

"That guy," she pointed at her newly released book that was placed on the table.

"Who?" I knitted my brows as confusion hit me more. She talked like someone who came out from a haunted house with ghosts in it, of course the fake one.

"Carlos Gonzales."

"What?! You mean-" I didn't manage to finish my words as she cut me off, furiously.

"Yes! That guy, he came, and we met in the cafe, twice."

"Oh my God," I gasped and closed my mouth with my palm. This was unbelievable.

"How could that happen?"

"I don't know. He just told me his name, and I was freaking out, so I ran from the cafe this morning but just now when I was on my way home I met him again. I was terrified but luckily I managed to escape from him."

"Did he do anything to you?"

"No, he didn't do anything to me."

"What did he say?"

"He wanted to talk to me but I didn't give him the chance to do so."

"Why not you try to listen to what he wants to say?"

"I'm scared when he told me his real name. I'm thinking what if he just lied about this? I mean about his real name. I didn't ask for any proof so probably he just made up the story."

"You are right. Maybe he is just a liar or your fan that read your book and claimed to be Carlos Gonzales." I said to ease her worries. She sighed and massaged her temple. I could sense the tension arises.

"I need to go back to the company tomorrow. Mr. James is looking for me."

"Don't worry about it. You will figure it out tomorrow." After that, we sat there for a while comforting each other. Deep down, I prayed I didn't cause any trouble for her. I hope the guy was no one and I hope her boss won't give her any shocking news tomorrow.

The next day

"I'm so mad at you, Scarlet. Why did you do that?" She snapped.

She was pacing back and forth in the living hall with me sitting there on the couch like someone waiting for the death penalty. I bit my finger due to the nervous and guilty effect.

"I didn't know about the consequence. I thought it will not be a problem if we just used his name. You are not writing about his real-life story though. Just the name and some background were the same." I told her the truth. I never have the intention to create any problem for her.

"How did you find out about him?" She inquired, wanted to know the details. Her eyes were fixed on my face.

"From one of the magazines that customer left at the cafe. I saw his picture on the cover page and I thought that his name was a good name to be in your book."

"Yeah, too good and it caused me trouble now." She retorted with a heavy sigh escaped her mouth.

"He should be grateful that you used his name in your book."

"Really, Scarlet? You think it should be that way?" She narrowed her eyes at me, disbelief with my statement.

"What did Mr. James say about this?"

"He can't help me. He begged me to work with that arrogant man so it can help the company from paying the fine. Plus, it will ruin the reputation of the company if the media found out about this. I don't want that to happen. I will feel bad for the rest of my life if that really happen." The miserable look on her face expressed everything clearly.

"I'm so sorry," I apologized and hugged her on the couch.

"It's okay, not that you know it will turn out to be like this. I'm not angry at you."

"What are you planning to do now?" We pulled away from each other.

"I think the best way is to work for him. I don't have another choice either." She shrugged.

"Babe, I think he planned all this." It suddenly came to my mind. Why he wants a writer to work for him in the business world? She can't help much since that wasn't her job scope at all. I was confused and the job offer doesn't make sense.

"Why? I can't give him anything. I don't have money. Even if I have the money, he doesn't need it anyway. He is one of the richest guys in the world that happened to be the crazy guy at the same time."

"Calm down, babe." I laughed at her. "I think he likes you and that was the reason for this entire plan." I looked at her with amused eyes, letting my brain imagine her future love story. 

Surprisingly, my statement caused her to let out a belly laugh. She clutched on her stomach. I slightly smacked her.

"You will laugh for now but when you found out the truth I bet you wouldn't laugh like this." I snickered.

"You are nonsense." She scolded me.

"Well, let's see about that," I challenged, full of confidence.

"That will never happen. He is just some rich brats that want to play with me. Too bored with his life, I guess."

"Never say never, babe," I smirked at her.


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