Chapter 26: Just set the date, mom!

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Miguel POV

"I saw someone familiar." My eyes directed to the voice that approached me. It was Manuel, looking at me with his raised brows.

"What a coincidence," I ignored his earlier remark as I run my eyes lazily at them. Manuel, Tristan, Carlos, and Cassandra walked together.

"We went for breakfast together earlier. If only we know you were here, we will ask you to join us." Cassandra spoke. My eyes noticed the way Carlos held her hand in his palm. Looking at her immediately made my mind remembered someone that I shouldn't.

"Don't bother; I'm not in the mood for breakfast," I answered nonchalantly, not sure if they caught my mood from my tone.

"Something is off about you." I rolled my eyes tried to ignore Manuel. He was the nosy one among us and I'm not in the mood to entertain him at the moment. 

"Tell us, brother. How was the progress in London?" He urged even though he aware that I was obviously not in the mood to mention anything about the trip.

The lift dinged at the right time. I shifted into the empty lift with them followed behind. I pressed the button and off the lift to the respective floor.

"You're ignoring me." I heard Manuel's whined, unsatisfied with my ignorance.

"That was obvious to all of us except you, Manuel," Tristan said casually.

"We should get used to it by now," Carlos added with sarcasm while Cassandra covered her mouth as a giggle accidentally slipped away.

"I'm just concern." He defended himself, feigning a fake pout. "I'm so sad they treated me like this, Cassandra. Come, comfort me with a hug." He moved closer to Cassandra despite the small area in the lift but stopped immediately by Carlos.

"Don't hug my girlfriend, find one for yourself," Carlos warned but it was a joke even though he expressed it with a serious face. Cassandra stayed behind him while giggling. I can't hold myself from smirking looking at the scene in front of me, such a dramatic bunch of friends.

"Okay, I will find my partner tonight. Let's go to the bar since everyone is here." Manuel gushed, replacing his sad face with a hyper look. I shook my head looking at him, obviously trying to change the mood.

"I'm in," Tristan answered.

"Cupcake, shall we?" Carlos turned his face behind to confirm with Cassandra.

"It sounds fun." She exclaimed and Carlos nodded.

Now everyone turned their attention back to me. I pretended to be in deep thought. Actually, I really want some quiet space for a while but at the same time, I scared it will worsen if I stay alone.

"Oh, come on! Losing a girl is nothing, I promise I will help you find one tonight." Manuel interrupted my thought. His words made me slightly punched his shoulder to show my irritation.

"Who told you I lost a girl? I'm not, okay?" Somehow, it made me pissed off, the surrounding kept reminding me about the person that I refuse to let go of.

"Okay, okay, nothing like that happened. I take that as a yes for tonight. But still, I will find you a girl." He whispered the last few words. If only I was a playboy like him, it will be much easier for me to handle the heartbreak.

I immediately walked out of the lift as it stopped at my floor. Glad that I could save myself from that nosy Manuel. "See you tonight," I heard his voice from the lift but I choose to ignore it like what I did earlier.

Morning wishes were everywhere as my staff greeted me when they saw me walking into the office. I nodded my head, responding to them. I wish I don't have any meeting to attend today as I'm still not having the mood to meet anyone. Probably, taking a day off will be nice but thinking about the world loads that waiting for me to handle, made me change my mind in an instant. My eyes were quick to notice the empty table in my room.

I sighed before strode to my desk. I took the phone on the desk while at the same time sat on the leather chair behind my desk.

"Yes, sir." My secretary answered.

"Ask someone to remove the empty desk in my office today." I made my instruction clear, so I don't have to repeat it again. It hurts to mention anything related to her.

"Immediately, sir." She said before I hang up. I looked at the empty place for the last time before returning my gaze to the computer screen in front of me. It will take a while to forget.

I groaned as the call disturbed my attention. I averted my eyes from the computer and turned to look at my phone. I sighed heavily as I noticed the caller.

"What do you want this time, mom?" I asked with an annoyed voice.

"Don't you think that's a bit rude, son?" She said with her firm voice. It doesn't seem to bother me.

"I'm in the midst of work."

"How is your meeting with Julie?" Here comes the question again. I rolled my eyes getting tired of her drama.

"We only met once. What do you expect from us?"

"Then make it happens again. You need to be proactive, son. It's your task to approach the girl. Don't let someone else take her away."

'As if I care.' I mocked inaudibly.

"Let's see if I have free time." I retorted.

"You don't have to worry about that. I will help you to set up the date and as usual, you just clear your time for the girl. It won't show any progress if I keep waiting for you to make the first move."

"Okay, just set the date," I said without any protest. I just wanted to end the call immediately.

"That's my son!" She exclaimed over the phone before ended it.

I slammed my palm on the desk. I hate the fact that I couldn't tell her directly that I want to have the freedom to choose my own life.

Screw my life!


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