Chapter 37: She's the one

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Scarlet POV

Times really flies, I didn't notice that it has been eleven months since we were officially in a relationship. We consider it a long-distance relationship but I was glad that I saw Miguel's effort to make time to meet me in London despite his busy schedule managing Amigos and his family business at the same time.

I wanted to show my effort too in the relationship, thus I plan for a surprise visit. I hope things won't get wrong like last time at the charity event. Not that I doubt him but until now we didn't hear anything from his stepmom. I arrived in London at lunch hour and headed directly to his office. I let Cassandra knows about this and she promised me to keep it as a secret.

I placed my finger on my lips motioning Miguel's secretary, Patricia to keep quiet since I caught the surprised expression on her face. She nodded with a grin on her face as she knew about my relationship with her boss.

"Is he in?" I asked in a low tone not wanting him to hear my voice.

"Yes, he is in his room. You can enter; he will be surprised to see you." She gushed.

"Okay, but before that let me make coffee for him," I uttered and sneaking likes a thief to the pantry ready to prepare coffee for him. I made it quick and in an instant the coffee was ready.

I clear my throat before entering the room and I noticed the secretary showed me her thumb, inaudibly wishing me 'good luck'. I grinned before making my move. I knocked on the door and entered when I heard he gave permission. He doesn't bother to look at me as he was busy skimming through the document on his desk.

I strode closer and carefully placed the cup of coffee on his desk. Papers were all over his desk and I don't want to ruin the surprise by spilling the coffee on it.

"I didn't ask for coffee," he said looking at the coffee but still not lifting his head.

"I know but I thought you missed my coffee." In an instant, he snapped and gazed at me. I stood across his desk with a satisfied grin curved on my face, enjoying his reaction.

His eye double its size and he gasped while towering over me.

"Am I dreaming?" I giggled at his question.

"You're not, silly." His hands reached my hips, lifting me and spun me. I couldn't help but giggle while he spins me in the air. It was clear that my surprise was a success this time.

He then made me sat on the desk ignoring the fact that papers were everywhere on the desk. He stood in between my parted legs without breaking eye contact. I sneaked my hands around his neck pulling him closer towards me.

"Missed me?" He questioned with his undeniable potent stare. It was enough to make me shivered inside.

"Not really, I just want to do some spot check if there's any girl disturbing my boyfriend and I'm glad there is none." I teased.

"I can guarantee you that no one will disturb your boyfriend after the picture of you kissing him at the airport spread all over the world. Everyone knows that this guy is Caramel's property." He said arrogantly but I enjoyed that. It made me feel loved, and it was really amazing.

"Yeah, I'm so famous now and everyone seems to recognize me. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing." I snickered, recalled the entire exaggerated headline that talks about our relationship.

"Of course that's a good thing. No one will come between us." He pressed his lips on mine while muttered, "I missed you and I'm happy you're here for me."

"Well, looks like my surprise turned out to be good. And, I missed you too," I answered after breaking the kiss, "A lot," I whispered with my forehead rested on his.

"Have you eaten?" He asked while placing his arms on the desk, both side of me.

"No, I'm hungry. I came here directly once I landed at the airport."

"Let's feed your hungry tummy then." He helped me off from the desk before grabbing his phone and wallet. He offered his hand and I gladly accepted it. With intertwined fingers, we stepped out of his office and headed to get some food. I winked at Patricia before entering the lift, gesturing to her that my mission accomplished.

"Miguel, yo-your mom." I paused; take a look at the person that standing with an angry face in the lobby. I noticed his stepmom walked towards us and couldn't help but stammer. Not wanting to create any problem, I wriggled to release my hand from his grip, but instead of letting it go, he tightened it.

"Don't worry, I'm here." He whispered with a reassuring tone before his mom stood in front of us with her furious look.

"Mom, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, my son, I thought you had broken up with her." I tried not to let her words give me any effect.

"Not going to happen, mom. Please don't say any ridiculous things to hurt my girlfriend and don't cause me to lose my respect for you." He warned her in a firm tone but still keep his respect for his stepmom.

"She is not the right person for you, looks at her background. I'm sure she just wants your money." She gave me a nasty look, gazing me up and down.

"I don't care about her background. Even if she wants my money, I don't see anything wrong with that since she is someone that I love and truly care about me. I'm willing to give her anything, just like how dad treated you." He enunciated each word clearly, especially in the last few words.

"You will regret this." She glared at me with anger.

"I won't. She is the one for me, she is what I want and always will be." His statement made me having the desire to kiss him at the moment. But, thinking about the headline make me restrains myself. I stared at him adorably without noticing that his stepmom stomping out from the building.

"I'm sorry about that, Caramel. Are you okay?" He turned to me and checking on me, worried that his stepmom's word hurt me.

"I'm okay and thank you for defending me." With that said, I pulled his head lowered to make it kissable, ignoring the risk of creating another headline, I pressed his lips with mine; couldn't help since his action did some magic to my heart, causing me to love him more.

"My, my, looks at the lovely bird. Seems like there will be a new headline soon." Both of us turned to look at Manuel. I could feel the heat crawled on my face as I noticed the guys and Cassandra standing behind us with naughty smiles on their faces.

I couldn't help but buried my face in Miguel's chest while feeling his chest vibrating due to his laughter, seems like he enjoyed the moment just like the rest of them.

Soon, all of us were having lunch together and of course with non-stop teasing from them. It was good to be able to gather with them again after a few months.


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