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"Meeting his family?" She thought, "what I'm supposed to do? I don't know what they are or who they are... are they wolves too? What was going to happen to me? What if they are planning to kill me!"

A lot of questions were playing in Aurora's head, she couldn't think straight it was an overload on her, Enzo could see that and how much stress she was in.

"I need time Enzo, " She walked fast back to their house, "Their house".
Aurora still couldn't separate him from her soul, she just shares everything with him now, how could she leave him?

In only seconds he was in front of her, "How-" before she finishes the sentence he interrupted her "I can't let you go Aurora, I can't stand the time without you, and now you know the truth you know who I'm" he paused "And you will know more." He breathed near her neck, she closed her eyes for a moment and then looked at his beautiful eyes again.
"Enzo, I want to go inside please." He nodded at her slowly and get out of her way to let her in.

After she went inside and ran back to her room, Enzo called for Peter, he was there in a few seconds. "Yes your Majesty, what you are going to do now?" He asked, "I want you to go now to the castle, and tell them that we are coming." Enzo said.

Peter gave him weird looks, "We? As in you and Aurora!" He asked surprisingly, "Yes as in me and Aurora, " Enzo paused. "I want her to meet my family, and know about our Legacy and history, that's her right." And Enzo was right, being honest with the person you love is the key to own their trust and any relationship should be built on that base.

"And what should I tell them exactly?" Peter asked he was still confused.

"Tell them I'm bringing a guest with me a special one, and I want everything to be perfect for her." He smiled.

"Sure, anything else your majesty?" Peter asked while he bent down to him, "Thank you, Peter, you can go now."

Enzo walked to the house on his way to talk with Aurora again, "Aurora can I come?" He knocked on the door of his room, he knows how much she loves his room and why she was always there.

"Yes." He heard her low voice saying, she was facing the wall but he could hear her sobbing in tears.

"Aurora." He said gently, "Are you okay my love?" He put his hand on her shoulder, Aurora looked up at him with her beautiful crystal clear eyes.

"No." She shakes her head, "And why is that?" He sits on the bed near her waiting for her answer.

"I miss my family." She whispered, he remembered how many times she wakes up in the night crying from a nightmare or staying up late thinking of them.

But he couldn't risk losing her, he saved her once and he promised himself not to put her in such a situation again.

"I know." He said, Aurora looked up at him again and this time she was furious "I want to go back to them, take me." She said walking towards the windows.

"What?" Enzo asked, he didn't like what she just said.

"You know I won't do that." He explained, "Why? they are my family Enzo." Aurora screamed.

"Yes, a family who tried to sell their daughter, right?" He shouted back, Aurora's tears didn't dry at all.

He couldn't see her like that anymore, she needs to stop crying.

"Aurora, please calm down and stop crying." He said trying to hug her, But she refused and sat on the floor hugging her legs against her chest.

Enzo felt hopeless for a minute, he just wants her to stop crying and cool down herself.

He knows the only way was to hug her, she always finds peace in that.

Enzo went down on his knees and pulled her towards him, her big dress was on the way but he hugged her anyway.

"I'm here for you, and I won't let anything bad happen to you. Ever." He whispered in her ear.

Maybe they weren't the same words she wanted to hear, but his words worked to calm her down a bit.

Aurora felt tired, so she leaned her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. "Rest my love, and when you wake up we will be going." He mumbled.

Aurora woke up suddenly, she looked around and it was almost sunset or sunrise she couldn't tell. "What time is it?" She asked in a sleepy voice, "It's almost night Aurora." She heard Enzo saying, he was lying next to her.

"I don't know how I fell asleep." She mumbled, "But I know," He paused and smiled at her "When you get in much stress or when you are angry you fall asleep fast." She looked at him with almost a smile, he was right. That happens all the time with her "Get ready Aurora, the carriage is waiting for us outside." He said.
"Where to?" Aurora asked in a shocked voice, "I had told you that I want my family to meet you," he paused "and we are going right away." He let his hand down to Aurora, helping her to get up.

But Aurora was in real shock by his words, "He is serious?" She thinks to herself.

Aurora and the werewolfWhere stories live. Discover now