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Helloo! My name is Melli!


If you've read any of my books before, you know the drill. If not: !All things in bold are important! Please read them. The rest, you may skip if you wish.! 

This is a story based off of the dnf ship, or just general mcyts. It's an apocalypse AU, based hundreds and hundreds of years in the future.

!Please please please do not force the ship on Dream or George. While they have both stated they are okay with the ship, that doesn't mean you can make them or anyone else who is involved with them uncomfortable. Do not harass the people themselves or anyone who ships something different. Leave. It. Alone. It is none of your business who they are in a relationship with or what their sexuality is. This is just for fun and should be taken lightly.! 

Uhh if you've seen any of my previous stories (like Wanderlust!) please note this will be a little different! It will have a proper plot and storyline, and will be more complex. I plan to put much more effort into this! :] 

!There will be no smut or nsfw of any kind in this book. It makes me uncomfortable, especially because these are real people. I MAY add spice if you would like me to, but I would prefer to keep it vague and it will be completely sfw. Please don't ask me to write anything more than that.! 

!Warnings! The following things CAN and WILL occur in this book: Swearing, crying, arguments, blood, death, weapons, as well as sliiiightly graphic descriptions of zombies and wounds, however I usually keep these bits minimal. (It will also have fluff and happiness and laughter and smiles :])! 

With that out of the way, I give you: 


have a wonderful day! 


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