Chapter Fourteen

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As I walk away from Techno and Dream, staring at my feet, I can't help but wonder what they're going to talk about.

No, I won't eavesdrop, it's pointless anyway.

Although, when I'm grabbed by the arm a little ways from the cottage, I start regretting not eavesdropping. 


"Tommy, what the fuck? I was trying to w- Oh." 

Around me stands a group of people, some familiar from the group, others I can assume are from just around the wasteland. They all look generally friendly, but I can't help but flinch at the sight of their weapons.

Close to the front, I catch a glance at a few of the members. One has a hat with fox ears poking out, another with sunglasses, standing beside a girl. Next to the girl is Wilbur, scanning my face for a reaction.

"Wha- What is this?" 

Wilbur smiles lightly. "This, George, are the people that will bring us to victory." 

I exhale. "But, Wilbur.. Are we going to fight..?" 

"If we have to, we have to." 

I look down slightly. I'm with the revolution, I am. I want the government to fall.

But how many people are going to have to die to knock it over?


"It just doesn't make sense, Sapnap." 

"I know, Georgie, things are shit right now." Sapnap sighs, tightening the hug as he pulls his arms more snugly around me.

"If.. If the government is in the wrong, why are they looking for a cure?" I can feel myself shaking slightly.

Sapnap shrugs, his grip on me loosening- but he didn't quite let go. "I'm not sure. Not all evils are fairytale characters, George."

"But this revolution- Is it really the solution? Do we have to fight fire with fire?" So many questions, so many stupid, unanswered questions.

Sapnap sits down, and I sit across from him, leaning my head in my hand. 

He fidgets for a moment, thinking. "Sometimes you have to use fire to be able to extinguish it, I think." A pause. "Maybe what Wilbur's trying to do is give them, I dunno, a wake up call? I don't think he's a violent person, it's just the only way." 

I run my fingers through my hair with a quiet chuckle. "When did you get so wise?" 

"I'm not wise. You're just dumb, that's all." 

I giggle softly, rolling my eyes at Sapnap just as Techno's voice rings out over the clearing. "Come on, idiot, there's an announcement." 

We scramble to get out of the cottage, greeted by the hot wasteland sun along with the group gathering around Clay and Techno. Sapnap and I, as usual, linger around the edge of the crowd, as we aren't exactly part of the group. 

"Do you know what's going on?" Sapnap asks softly under his breath as Bad joins us. The brunet shakes his head a bit. 

"No, I haven't heard anything. George?" Bad turns to me with a gentle, but curious look. 

I blink. "Wh- Huh? Why would I know any more than you?" I ask incredulously. 

Sapnap and Bad exchange glances. "You've just been spending a lot of time with Dream, so it would make sense." Sapnap supplies. 

I stutter a bit, blushing, before closing my mouth and looking away. "Well, I don't know anything either, sorry." 

Bad just smiles and turns back to Techno as the remaining people lounging around settle down. "We'll just have to see what happens, then." He murmurs, dropping the subject. I can only nod, because Techno has started speaking.

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