Chapter Four

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Sometimes it's hard, I think, not to take things for granted. 

I guess that might be because you don't know what you have until it's gone. 

I had a lot of things, but I threw them away. Not purposely, but I suppose it's hard to do that kind of thing purposely. I couldn't get them back before the bombs hit. 

It hurts.

So I've made it a point to never, not once, take Sapnap for granted.

Okay, scratch that, maybe sometimes. 

"Sapnap, I swear to god if you throw one more fistful of sand at me I wi-" 

I'm cut off by yet another handful of orange tinted wasteland sand flying at my face. I dodge, but still manage to get hit square in the shoulder. Rolling my eyes, I cross my arms and scoff loudly at Sapnap's laughter. I shift my clout goggles, which rest neatly on top of my head, with a huff.

"What was that, George? I couldn't quite catch it." Sapnap chokes out between breathless giggles. I roll my eyes again. 

"I said,"  I begin to repeat myself, kicking a particularly large amount of sand at Sapnap. "If you throw one more fistful of sand at me I will get my revenge." I finished.

Sapnap scoffed. "Yeah, okay, you do that." But his smug expression was promptly wiped off his face as I send another handful of sand hurtling towards him, clout goggles falling over my eyes during my fit of giggles.

I, knowing I was screwed if I stayed put, spin around and began sprinting the opposite direction. I was unable to stifle my laughter as I hear Sapnap's footsteps behind me.

But before my friend could could catch up, however, I freeze in place. Softly, I place a hand on Sapnap's shoulder, to keep him from speaking and to shove him to the ground. He grunts softly, annoyed, but falls silent the moment he looks up and sees what I'd been looking at.

A tall man, clearly taller than both me or Sapnap, who is a good few meters away from us. He's slumped casually, clearly not on watch, but a danger nonetheless. His body is silhouetted by the fading sun, but I can just make out the hood he has over his head.

Suddenly, he turns and the light hits him, allowing me to see his features better.

Green hoodie.

White mask.

"...Oh shit." I exhale, so soft it's barely a breath in the dry, hot breeze. 

Sapnap hears me, though. "We," He begins, ever so quietly. "-Are royally fucked." 

It's Dream. Of course it was! With our luck, who else? Famous for his brains and strength, and a thousand times stronger than either of us, especially in melee combat.

Oh, right, and he's got Technoblade. Greatest fighter anyone knows of. 

So, yeah, as Sapnap would say, 'we are royally fucked.'

I shake my head softly, resisting the urge to dig a hole, bury myself in it, and never return. "What are we supposed to do? Offer him a cup of tea? Apologize politely and be on our way?" I hiss to Sapnap.

Sapnap rolls his eyes. "Shoot a warning shot."


"A warning shot. Like, slice his cheek or something cool like that." 

"Sap- That's.. That's a near impossible shot!" I stutter, now beginning to struggle to keep my voice low.

"Yeah, and who's the guy who can make impossible shots with no effort?" He retorts, crossing his arms. 

I roll my eyes with a sigh, grabbing my bow from where it rests slung around my back. I'd given in. I pull out an arrow from my quiver- My favourite one, to be specific- and feel the cool stone arrowhead's weight in the palm of my hand. I bite my lip as I line the arrow up with Dream's face, pulling the string backward slowly, steadily. One of my eyes closes. I feel it become taut underneath my calloused fingertips, nearly beginning to shiver from the effort. Or maybe that's my hands, shaking from fear. I can't be sure. 

I exhale.

The arrow flies from my fingers, perfectly aimed. Time seems to slow for a moment.

The sound of it slicing through the air echoes eerily in my head, making shivers go down my spine. 

It brushes past Dream. A small red mark, just below his unsettling smiley face mask, appears a few heartbeats later.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, clutching my bow tightly as I slump back onto the ground with a relieved sigh.

Sapnap pumps his fist into the air, cheering silently. I allow a grin to spread across my face, warm satisfaction bubbling up into my chest. 

Then, the bubbles pop, my stomach twisting in fear at the shadow that looms over us.

"Nice shot." 

I flinch, scrambling to stand up and grabbing onto Sapnap's hand, as a means of comfort. Sapnap stands too, tugging us both a few steps backward as we look up at Dream. He has a small smile on his face, but I can't tell if it's genuine or not. The smile on his mask only makes it all the more eerie, and I look down a little before speaking.

"Um.. Thank.. you..?" I mumble, my voice wavering a little. Sapnap holds my hand a little tighter, scooting closer to my side. I catch his expression, an icy glare directed at Dream himself, who is currently wiping at his cut, smudging the blood crudely.

"Here's your arrow." Dream says. His voice is smooth and confident, which only makes me more uncomfortable. I swallow, glancing down at the arrow he holds in his palm. And, to my surprise, he's right. It is my arrow, and it's in perfect condition still, save for the small smear of crimson, matching the cut on his jaw.

Carefully and quickly, I snatch the object from his hand and step back again. "Thank you." I repeat myself, this time more briskly and curtly. 

Sapnap scoffs softly. "What do you want from us?" He snaps, taking a small step in front of me. I return my arrow to its quiver, not bothering to clean the blood away.

Dream probably would have rolled his eyes, if I could see them. "Nothing. Not like you have much anyway." He replies dryly, crossing his arms. I take notice of a small dagger strapped to his leg, and a larger blade on his hip. Two small taps to Sapnap's shoulder, courtesy of me, warns him of their existence. 

Sapnap crosses his own arms. "So you're going to leave us and let us go on our way, without any problem or questioning of who we are or what we're doing here?" He presses. 

Dream smiles again, sending white-hot shivers up my spine. "Well, when you put it like that.. How about I take you two to our base?" 

I roll my eyes behind my clout glasses, slinging my bow over my shoulder and letting it rest on my back. "Okay, so long as we get food, water, and you don't murder us." 

"No promises."


Word count: 1186

gog and dre finally meet? or.. have they met before? find out in the next episode of ✨cheesy block game fanfiction✨

also that sap and George hand holding was platonic because friends should be able to hug and stuff without being judged :] 

fun fact this would've been out yesterday but my dumb ass dELETED THE CHAPTER SHDNDJ oh well I made it so we good lmao 

thank you SO much for 100 reads!! Like wtf already?? Y'all are insane tysm <3 

Have a wonderful day! <3 


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