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"Today marks five years since the first bomb hit.

Five years since the day we were evacuated, and five years since we lost everything. 

Five years since the world crumbled and these disgusting creatures tried to take it from us. 

Five years since our population was torn apart.

But we are strong!" 

Her voice echoed over the empty room.

Yes, it was an empty room.

She was speaking to no one, yet everyone at the very same time, her tone filled with pain yet power. 

Power that had long since gotten to her head. 

Suddenly, she stopped pacing. Her slightly red hair swirled out of her eyes, revealing the crazed expression that lingered inside of them. She swallowed, a small smile dancing across her lips. 

"They don't understand now, do they? But they will.. They will." 

The room had little furniture in it. A small chair, and an empty desk. Both covered in scratches and year old burn marks. The walls were a blinding white, but covered in dirt and grime, mold crawling up their paint. The windows were nowhere near clear, instead brown with age and wear, the wood and white paint on the ledge chipping and falling apart. 

The wooden floors creaked eerily, the sound now the only thing that broke the silence when the woman ceased to continue speaking. 

Suddenly, she crossed the room, her fingers grazing the glass window with a shaky exhale.

"I'm going to stop it. No matter what it costs." She whispered, her voice dangerously soft. "I will find a cure and prove them wrong. I will save my family." 

Her family had been dead for five years.


She smiled as she approached another, slightly shorter person, a man.


"Hello, ma'am, how may I help you?" 

"I was wondering if you could contact someone for me?" She asked sweetly, the same unsettling smile on her face.

Yet the man seemed unfazed. "Yes, of course. Would you like them here?"

"Ah, no, just give them a letter, if you don't mind, through the post." 

"Of course." 

She passed him a small slip of paper, neatly wrapped in a clean white envelope. The man nodded curtly, watching as she pivoted neatly on her heel and strolled away carelessly, as if there weren't growls and screams coming from the dark world outside.

He then found another man, who was taller and skinnier, but younger. He passed the letter on.

And so, the letter's journey continued, continued on until it happens to reach the very place where our story begins.

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