Chapter Twelve

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"Sapnap..." I whine, burying my face in my hands. "This is fucking stupid." 

"Language." Bad says gently, sliding into the seat beside Sapnap, who's watching me worriedly. 

"Sorry." I mumble, glancing around the table nervously. It's empty beside the three of us, which I'm grateful for. 

Sapnap smiles softly, carefully prying my fingers away from my face. He rubs gentle circles into my palms, relaxing the fists I'd had my hands in. "Spill, George, we're listening." He says gently. 

I exhale, trying to sort out my words before blurting anything.

Dream and I had walked home together that night as the few stars that were visible began to sparkle dully. 

He had held my hand.

Dream, the man who is tasked to kill me by none other than the president herself held my hand, and I liked it. 

"This is... Sorry, Bad- But it's absolute shit." I mumble, not caring that I'm half repeating myself, too stressed to care.

Bad cringes a little but doesn't say anything. 

"He has to kill me, and I like him. It's terrible. He's going to fucking murder me and I like him."  I blurt suddenly, instantly turning my face away with a slightly choked whimper, finally aware of the salty tears that roll down my cheeks. 

Sapnap exhales sharply, his rhythmic motions on my palms faltering for a moment before continuing. "Hey, hey, George, it's okay. Calm down, he's going to.. Kill you?" His voice falters slightly at the words. 

"Yes. My file was updated, it.. I'm supposed to be killed on sight. That's why we're here, because Dream and Techno are supposed to be hunting me down after the government couldn't find us." I'm slightly aware I probably shouldn't be saying this in front of Bad, but something tells me I can trust him. 

Sapnap seems to understand, but Bad looks confused. "What do you mean, George? Government..? File..?" 

I take a deep breath, holding up four fingers. "Government president after me because I declined a 'chance to help find a cure.'" I put one finger down. "Sapnap and I have been on the run since then, this cottage is the most recent place we'd stayed in." Another finger down. "All wanted people have a file, and the punishment is listed there. The worse the crime, the worse the punishment. My punishment used to be just being tested on, and now it's death on sight." One last finger. "And Dream and Techno are the ones hunting me down, which is just fantastic." I finish dryly, closing my hand back into a fist. 

Sapnap gently takes the closed hand, repeating the process of rubbing shapes into my palm. "And apparently George likes Dream. Yknow, the one who has to kill him. On sight. And hasn't done so yet." He adds.

Bad exhales. "Well... That's... Pleasant." He says, a hint of sarcasm in his tone. "I'm not a huge fan of what's going on with the government, of course, so I don't plan to tell anyone, but.. Wow." 

"Wow indeed." Sapnap mumbles. 

I groan softly. "I just.. Don't know what to do. Shouldn't I be dead? Why... Why is he being so nice to me? Why does he seem so pretty when I haven't even seen his face?" 

Sapnap pauses, thinking. "You wouldn't be dead, because I'm here to protect you. He's being nice because... Maybe he cares about you too." I perk up a little bit at that. "And for the third one, I haven't a clue. That's more of a you problem." 

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