Chapter Five

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Something was off. 

Something was very, very off. 

The arrow whizzed past, creating a perfect slice directly underneath my mask. It stung lightly as I scooped up the arrow and examined it.

There was nothing particularly special about it, in fact the arrow seemed to be even homemade. The arrowhead was of stone, and it was slightly scratched, but clearly well taken care of. 

Yet, it seemed oddly familiar.

I had subconsciously walked towards where it had come from, and when I looked up there had been two boys, about the same age as I was but both clearly shorter.

One, the taller of the two, had dark, raven hair and eyes that glared icy daggers into my mask. I didn't much care, though. He stood protectively in front of the other.

I pinpointed what was off the moment the second spoke.

He was shorter, with fluffy brunet hair that had a small sprinkle of sand in it. He wore clout glasses, which admittedly would've made me smile if I wasn't so guarded, over his eyes, the eyes which I longed to see for myself. He was clad in a dull, worn blue tee-shirt and dark grey, almost black pants. His hands had bandages on them, and from one look at the bow and quiver on his back I assumed that was because he didn't want to hurt his hands when using the weapon. He was nervous, obviously, but yet he covered it well.

If I didn't know him as well as I did, I probably wouldn't have even noticed.



"Tommy, shh, they aren't hostages. Or, if they are, we aren't supposed to say!" 

Tommy scoffed softly, glaring at his friend. Tubbo just sighed softly, gaze clearly fixed away from the two that trailed behind me. Tommy's gaze, however, was trained directly on them. I groan inwardly.

"Dream, who are they?" He asks, surprisingly calmly.

I open my mouth to speak, but I'm cut off by the taller of the two. He glares at me.

"We can introduce ourselves, thanks." The raven-haired boy growls. He's holding onto the shorter's hand, who opens his mouth as if to speak, but closes it again and looks away, his other hand resting on his bow. 

I scoff softly, rolling my eyes and standing back. "Go on, then." 

"Nick." Nick says dryly. "I prefer Sapnap, though." 

"George." The brunet exhales, casting a mischievous glance at his friend. "I prefer George, though." He added in a mocking tone, earning himself a glare. I feel my eyes widen at the name, my memories flashing through my mind, yet I can't quite grasp one.

Tommy smiles at George's comment, whilst Sapnap smacks George in the arm. The brunet just giggles, ducking away to avoid yet another soft hit. I find myself battling a blush, suddenly extremely grateful for my mask. 

"Dream, why have you got two new people with you?" 

I spin on my heel, making eye contact with a pink-haired man, who looks tired. Dangerous, but manageable. "Hello to you too, Techno." I snap irritably. 

Technoblade crosses his arms, gazing at the two shorter boys with a mix of annoyance and disinterest. "Explain." He states dryly.

Sapnap scoffs, but George quickly tugs on his arm, letting their fingers intertwine and holding his back from saying anything. 

I exhale sharply. "Tommy, go find Bad and have him help George and Sapnap. Give them food, water, a place to rest, you know the drill. We're sleeping here for the rest of the night." 

"What about the deadline?" Tommy questions.

I roll my eyes. "I don't give a shit about the deadline, now go." My voice is harsher than I meant for it to be, but too late now. Tommy exhales, then grabs onto George's arm, who looks nervous but doesn't say anything. Tubbo is gentler, and rests one hand on Sapnap's shoulder. I can assume the only reason he isn't struggling is because he wants to stick with George.

A pang of hurt shoots through me like a bullet to my heart at this thought, but I ignore it and turn back to Techno. The pink-haired man raises an eyebrow. 

"Personal?" He asks.

I nod hesitantly, eyes darkening. 


He'd dashed over to the tree, his shoulders shivering slightly. 

I'd watched in confusion as he slumped to the ground, his small hands covering his face. I didn't know why.

But I'd figured it had been my job to find out.

"It's George. Techno, it's him." I whisper urgently as soon as the door closes behind us. My eyes are wide.

Techno blinks. "Hey, woah, Dream, relax." He pushes me into a chair. "Tell me." 

Only when I'd gotten closer had I heard his crying, his soft weeps. 

My heart had broken on the spot, and I'd froze in place for a moment, just staring. 

At first, I'd hesitated. Did he want help? But slowly, steadily, as if at any moment he would shatter like glass, I'd approached.

"I-I don't know what to do.. He doesn't recognize me. And after- After the argument, does he even want to recognize me?" My voice comes out in desperate strings of words that are nearly impossible to distinguish. 

But Techno listens anyway.

"Are you okay?" I'd asked, almost matter of factly. 

He'd pressed his face further into his hands. "Do I look okay?" He'd mumbled, yet his voice, which was clearly meant to be angry, came out shaky and small. 

"I- Well, no. That's why I'm asking." I'd replied, trying to sound more sympathetic. Although, that had been difficult as such a young child.

Techno exhaled softly through his mouth, reaching forward to remove my mask, to reveal my delicate skin and glassy eyes.

"Dream- Clay, look. You said he was your best friend? So, if he was a good friend, he'll be able to forgive you." He says, gently but firmly. I dragged my fingers slightly harshly through my hair.

He'd moved his face until just his eyes peeked out, beneath his brown hair. I'd blinked, confused.

They were odd. Odd eyes, I guess.

Blue and brown, one colour for each iris. I hadn't known it then, but that was why he was crying. I'd thought they were cool, though. So I'd said so. He'd smiled a little, revealing more of his face.

He was pretty. 

Later, I'd learned his name was George. I didn't make fun of his eyes. I'd told him my name, Clay. He didn't make fun of my name. 

That was nice.

I stare out the window, but George isn't there. I drop my face to the table with a groan. "This is so weird! I didn't think I'd ever see him again." 

Techno shrugs. "Everything and everyone has a reason, Dream. All you have to do is figure out what that reason is."  

"Stop being a sap." 


Word count: 1132

yayy :]

if you were confused, the italicized bits at the end were like a 'flashback.' george was on the ground crying, dream (or clay, at that time) comforts him and tells him that his heterochromia was cool they become friends and then that's it :] 

and yes George's eyes are brown and blue I thought it was a cool concept so yeah 

Have a wonderful day! <3 


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