Chapter One

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I sit on the counter of the house that I call my current 'base,' my legs swinging slightly as I fiddle with my newly fixed dagger. Silently, I thank Bad for his incredible craftsmanship. 

As I hear the door open, I don't look up at first, already knowing who it was. But I place my weapon at my side nonetheless, stuffing one hand into my grey and lime hoodie. The other hand runs through my blonde hair as I exhale.

"Hey, Techno." 

"Halloo.. I've got good news and bad news, what do you want to hear first?" His tone makes my head snap up suddenly.

"What?" I question, staring at the man in confusion.

He's tall and slim, with a pink hoodie that has long lost its previously vibrant colour. Matching it is his pink hair, where a golden crown with some jewels in it sits. He has simple brown eyes, which glow with mild disinterest, however I know him well enough to detect the concern behind his nonchalant expression. In his hand is merely a small pig mask, as he's already hung his famous sword on its hook. 

Technoblade, if you haven't realized already, the most renowned and talented fighter that anyone knows of. 

Techno shrugs nonchalantly, slumping tiredly into the chair and turning around so he's facing me, arms resting on the back of it. "Which do you want to hear first, good news or bad news?" He repeats himself.

"I heard you." I sigh, closing my green eyes for a heartbeat with a hum. "Um, good news, I guess." 

Techno groans audibly, leaning forward in his chair and running his hand down his face tiredly. "You idiot, always pick bad news first. There isn't actually any good news I was just saying that so you'd feel better, but whatever." 

I roll my eyes. "Okay, fine, bad news, then. Shoot." 

The pink haired man winces slightly, pushing an envelope into my hand. "Letter. Got it today."

"Oh, fuck.." I mutter, running my thumb underneath the already open seam, wasting no time tugging the letter out. 

Technoblade and Dream, 


As you probably already know, you two are the top of your class, and have been chosen yet again for an assignment. We expect your group to begin moving at dawn and arrive at a new destination, shown on the back of this note, by sunset the following day. 

There, you will investigate your surroundings. Our main target is said to be currently taking refuge there, and we require him here for certain testing. (See file, attached.)  

Please have him here as soon as possible.

I groan inwardly, not bothering to glance at the file quite yet. "Another assignment?" 

Techno sighs. "Yeah. And this one's a main target, too, I'm not in the mood for it." 

I slam my heel into the cabinet a little harder than before, trying to calm my frustration. "We have to move the entire group? And we've got two fucking days? Techno, what the hell are we supposed to do?" 

Techno shrugs. "Well, I assume we have to 'Move the entire group in two fucking days.' As you say." He replies, sarcasm lacing his tone. 

I hop off the counter, grabbing my dagger as I do so and rolling my eyes directly at the other.

Techno scoffs lightly, apparently unfazed by my sudden attitude. "You glare at me as if it's my fault, Dream." 

I run my fingers through my blonde hair with a sigh, relaxing a little. "Sorry, Blade, I'm just annoyed. Do you know where Tommy and Tubbo are? I need to make sure our supply count is still steady." 

The other stuffs his hands into his hoodie pockets with a light scoff. "I don't know, maybe asleep? It's the middle of the night." 

"This is a legal matter, and it's important." I retort, pulling on my mask. 

Techno sighs, adjusting his crown. "I know, Dream, but you need sleep too." He says, his voice slightly gentler.

I exhale through my mouth, the sound hollow as a result of my mask. He's right, and he knows it. "I.. Fine, okay, I'll be back in a little bit."

Techno and I have been leading our group together for a while now- four years- however we haven't been friends for quite as long. Even so, I'm lucky to be his friend, as even with his sarcastic remarks he cares a lot.  

I grab my own blade from where it rests against the wall, twirling it between my fingertips as I exit the safety of the house and enter the darkness.

It's an unusually clear night, allowing just a few stars to peek through the haze that lingers in the air constantly. Although, said haze makes for stunning sunsets. I don't have time to gawk at the sky, though, instead moving at a brisk pace through the small street. 

Concrete is cracked and crumbled, no longer anywhere near how smooth it once was, making the area look nothing like a street. Most houses are missing parts of their ceilings and walls, with paint chipping and beams falling apart. Most plants are dead, the few that survive small and brown, without life. Streetlights are out, cracked and bent or even gone completely. Any that still work flicker eerily with weak light that barely illuminates anything, leaving me in almost complete darkness.

I haven't a clue what town this is- In fact, I have no idea where I am. All I know is that it's safer here than out in the unknown.

I creep through the shadows, determined not to disturb any zombies.

Right, zombies.

Disgusting creatures, really. Their rotting skin is sickly pale, eyes wide and bloodshot with a pupil so small it may as well not even be there. Clothing often hangs off their bodies, crudely torn and stained. Blood covers their skin, their old, infected wounds often oozing with a strange green substance. Yet the most sickening thing of all is that they, too, used to be human. 

I shudder visibly, holding my sword a little tighter in my steadily growing fear. Thankfully, though, the ruins Tommy and Tubbo had been staying in with a few others is close, and I meet no trouble on the short walk there. 

I knock lightly on the door, carefully, as the wood is chipping and I'm not exactly in the mood for a fistful of splinters. 

A moment passes, and I'm about to knock again when the door swings open, a tired and annoyed looking blonde standing there. 

He's younger than me by a few years, however he easily meets my height, to my dismay. 

"Hi, Tommy." I say, shifting my weight to the sword, digging the tip into the ground and leaning against it casually.

The boy scoffs. "Dream, what the fuck? You come up here in the middle of the night and all you have to say is 'Hi Tommy'? I was having a great sleep!"

I have to laugh a little at this, smiling lightly. "Sorry, sorry. I just- Well, we're leaving at dawn tomorrow and I need to make sure we have enough food." 

Tommy rolls his eyes. "Yeah, okay, I'll wake Wilbur and Tubbo then. You had better be quick."

I nod slightly, following him inside with a soft laugh. As I sit down, I hear tired groans and curses of annoyance from another room where I assume Tommy went off to. 

I slump backwards, closing my eyes and taking in this mess of a world for what feels like the thousandth time this week.

I wish I could go back, to before that fucking bomb.

To when I had my best friend at my side.


Word count: 1280

hi yeah um 

if anyone got that one subtle Hamilton reference ily 

sorry for the short chapter, they'll get longer soon :] 

Have a wonderful day! <3 


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