Chapter Seven

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I can't figure out if he notices my fidgeting. 

Which feels odd, we used to be able to read eachother like a book, almost as if we had powers or something. 

I close my eyes for a heartbeat underneath my mask, before opening them and sneaking another glance at George. This, I can be sure he doesn't notice, because he can't see my eyes in the first place. 

George looks uncomfortable, though to my dismay I can't figure out why. He keeps moving to grab his bow and then snatching his hand back, as if catching himself in the act, clasping his hands together in front of him to keep it from happening. It doesn't work, but he tries. 

Trying to break the tense silence, I speak up. "Well.. I don't really know what else to tell you. I can answer questions if you like?" 

George's gaze snaps to mine. Or, at least, I think it does, it's difficult to see his eyes underneath the clout glasses he's wearing. "Um.. Okay. Why are you here instead of in a proper base?" 

"This is a proper base." I reply, acting dead serious.

This time, I can tell he's looking at me. "You're joking." He deadpans, stopping and crossing his arms. 

"Yes, idiot! Of course I'm joking." I wheeze, catching his small smile. "It's a temporary base, we were actually on the move when I found you." 

"On the move where?" George presses, sounding curious.

"Um, we were going North, towards this- I don't know- Cottage thing?" I say, trying to figure out how to explain it. 

His hands clench suddenly, his entire body tensing. I don't need to be able to read his mind to see how nervous he is. "Oh, yeah? Why's that?" 

I shrug. "Government shit. It's not that big of a deal." I reply, trying to reassure him whilst sitting down against a tree. George follows a moment later, almost as if he'd hesitated for a heartbeat.

I gaze at him for a long moment, the moment tense with an atmosphere I can't recognize. The sky glows dully with stars, the orangey haze above blanketing their light. Yet, the moon manages to squeeze through a space where the haze is thin, casting a cold light over the both of us. It makes him glow a soft silver. I swallow hard, struggling to look away. 

I take a deep breath. "Can I see your eyes?" 


He'd stayed close to me on our first day of middle school, keeping his head down as if his eyes were something to be ashamed of. 

They weren't. 

I'd helped him when needed, but I knew he would be just fine. I believed in him, he believed in me. 

It was enough for us to not have to believe in ourselves. 

We'd made new friends, and enemies. But that was okay. We weren't weak.

Even though he calls me a pissbaby. 


I could feel George's eyes boring into mine. Even though they're behind the clout glasses, I flinch. 

"Sorry. I just-" 

"No, it's fine." 

We talk over eachother for a moment before falling silent again, the tension in the air only growing. It feels electric, in a way, like a ticking time bomb. It's only a matter of time, but before what? 

"So, um.." 

"Well, I- It's kind of.. Strange, I guess? I don't know. My eyes are just.. Just weird." George mutters. 

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