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THE HALLS FILLED with screaming students, pushing each other around as they tried to get out of the school. bakugou felt his back get pushed against the wall, your chest against something. you looked up you see bakugou, "bakugou?" you asked.

he furrowed his eyes at you, his face getting hot as he realized how close the two of you were. "shut up," katsuki grumbled. the ash blonde may hate you, but something about him made him feel the need to protect you. he shouldn't even want to hurt you in the first place.

surprised at his actions bakugou grabbed your head and held it to his chest. your eyebrows raised a little, thankfully this was a situation that most students would only worry about themselves. you turned a little to see kirishima and kaminari, bakugou's hand still on the back of your head. "DUDE! I'M FREAKING OUT!" kirishima exclaimed.

that's when you saw iida roll himself over to the front, holding onto the wall. "everyone! everything is fine!" iida yelled. everyone stopped yelling and moving, "it is just the media!" iida yelled. you sighed in relief, moving away from bakugou.

why did you like his touch though? maybe it was that you felt the need to be with something during a situation like that, or maybe it was something else? you shook your head a little, turning to bakugou. "thank you, bakugou." you thanked the ash blonde next to you.

but bakugou just moved his head away from you, "whatever." he responded.

when it was time everyone headed to their classrooms again, you took your seat which was next to bakugou.

"n- now, let us decide on the other class officers!" midoriya stuttered as he sweat dropped. "but first, there's something that i wanna say." midoriya looked down. "i've thought a lot about this, and i think that tenya iida should be our class rep!" he finally said.

"he was able to capture everyone's attention and get us in line, so i believe that he should be the one leading our class from now on." the green haired boy smiled at iida. "if the class rep has nominated me then it cannot be helped," iida said, pushing up his glasses. you perked a brow, "so iida's class rep now? fun," you said.

you and your class were in front of the school. today, class 1-A would be taking a trip to USJ. to get to the location there would have to be another transportation, a bus that is.

you turned to midoriya as he was not wearing his costume, "deku, you're wearing your PE clothes. where's your costume?" uraraka asked as if she read your mind. "it got ripped up during the combat training," the freckled boy smiled. you nodded, "must be getting repaired." you commented.

you walked onto the vehicle and took a seat next to kaminari as it was the first one you saw. you began to converse with your fellow classmates, "sure but bakugou is always angry so he'll never be that popular," tsu commented, making you nod in agreement.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY? I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!" bakugou yelled, standing up furiously. "see?" tsu pointed to the hot head. "you know we basically just met you, so it's kind of telling that we all know your personality is flaming crap mixed with garabage." kaminari commented.

kaminari held his hand out to you and you gave him a high five, "YOU'RE GONNA REGRET THE DAY YOU APPLIED TO THIS SCHOOL YOU LOSER!" bakugou yelled at kaminari, jirou furrowing her eyebrows and leaning away from the hot head who was next to her.

you sighed, "bakugou they're right, which is exactly why i call you an angry pomeranian." you leaned your head back, your face to the ceiling with your eyes closed. "QUIET EXTRA!" bakugou yelled. you shrugged, opening your eyes and facing your classmates again.

"i call it the unforeseen simulation joint! but you can call it USJ!" thirteen exclaimed. "just like universal studios japan," the whole class thought in there heads.

"in a superhuman society, personal quirks have been certified and stringently regulated," thirteen continued speaking to the class. "with aizawa's physical fitness test, you found out about the possibility of your own hidden powers. you do not have powers so you can harm others, thank you for listening." thirteen finished off with a bow.

"that was wonderful!" "bravo! bravo!" the class exclaimed, you too cheered for thirteen while you stood next to midoriya as thirteen was a hero you admired. that was when aizawa suddenly turned around to a portal that began to open, making to class chatter and gasp. your eyebrows raised when you saw what was in front of you.

"villains," you mumbled to yourself, making mineta quiver in fear. "v- villains?" he stuttered. your mouth opened a little, "don't move, these are real villains." aizawa spoke, watching as the said villains walked out of the portal.

"this trespassing the other day was the work of these scumbags after all, huh?" aizawa said with his goggles now own. "they have someone with a quirk that can do that." you said quietly, but loud enough for your classmates to hear.

"they might be fools, but they're not dumb. this surprise attack was carefully planned with some sort of goal in mind." todoroki pointed out. "these villains even had something to counteract the sensors," aizawa said, "it's possible that someone with radio-wave-type powers is interfering." he added.

"eraser head's fighting style is capturing after erasing the enemy's quirk." midoriya said. you bit the inside of your cheek as you watched the hero fight the villains, thirteen began to have you and your classmates run away. running back with midoriya thirteen stopped; a portal was right in front of all of you.

"in order to have all might, the symbol of peace, take his last breath." kurogiri explained why they were here.

you raised your eyebrows as kirishima and bakugou ran to attack, "did you think we were just gonna stand around and watch you tear this place to shreds?"

you watched as your fellow classmates were washed in purple because of the villain, you yourself being thrown somewhere. hitting the ground you slowly opened your eyes, rubbing your arm as you sat up.

"l/n!" kirishima yelled, making you turn your head. the red head helped you up as he looked around, "where are we?" he asked. you observed the place yourself, "that purple guy must have a warp quirk, separating us all and putting us to different places." you explained.

"y/n look out!" kirishima told you, making you grab onto some sort of pole and use your legs to knock the villain out. you raised your eyebrows, "guess that walk came in handy, or maybe i just went overboard." you chuckled, standing back up on your feet as you brushed off your hands.

"are you kidding me that was so womanly!" kirishima pumped his fists together, making you laugh. "thank you kirishima," you thanked him. you then looked around, "bakugou?" you said, noticing the ash blonde. he turned his head and you swore you saw the whites of his eyes, "I'M WITH YOU?" bakugou yelled, stomping to you and kirishima.

you perked a brow, "i don't want to be with you either, c'mon kirishima." you said, turning away from the ash blonde. "HEY!" bakugou yelled, having no choice but to follow the two of you.

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