Pink Invitation

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knock knock knock knock

"Hey Am. How're you feeling?" Emira asked through the door.

Amity layed onto her bed, cuddled up with her blanket and pillow.


knock knock knock

"Amity. I just want to know if you're okay."

Amity finally got the urge to get up. Slowly, she made her way off of her bed.

"Yes Emira umm...I'm getting ready right now..." Amity said, her voice quiet and soft.

"Nononono, I can tell you're not ready. Especially after yesterday's incident. You were knocked out cold on the couch, me and Ed had to carry you back to your room!" Emira joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Amity walked up to her door, opening the door slightly to see Amity's face.

"Are you sure Em? You two have done so much already...I can't stay here any longer why you two are doing all this..."

"Pshh it's only been a day! Besides, we care about you sis. We're not gonna let school deprive your mentality while you're in this state!

"Thank you Emira..." Amity smiled sadly.

"No problem Ami!!" Emira said, ruffling the youngest Blight's hair. "Have a good daaaaay!!"

Those were Emira's last words before running off, leaving Amity looking at her from her almost closed door. Amity closed her door, going back to her room fully.

At Hexside...


"You still trying to find minty?" Kira said, walking up to Luz.

"Yes!! I'm worried about's not like her to miss school..." Luz said, a sad tone to her voice.

"Well maybe she did arrive yesterday. We did skip school so she could've came in at any time." Kira reassured. "Who knows?"

"Maybe she's ignoring you."

Luz's eyes widened.

"Ignoring me?! Why would she ignore me??

" did reject her, maybe she just never wants to see you again...

Kira looked surprised for a second, before grabbing both of Luz's hands and clasping them together.

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