True Colors

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"Stupid water...getting in my face..." Amity ran her hands through her hair, mint green draining out from it. "Why is difficult to get dye out of your hair?!" She quickened up her pace and scrubbed harder, closing one of her eyes.

It was coming off.

Slowly but surely, it was progress.

"Guess having it for so many years really did a number on my hair..."

She sighed, after placing her hands on the rim of the sink, she looked up at the mirror, her face was dripping with water, her hair soaked in water and gave it a little shine. Her hair was...brown. Her original brown-like hair, it was back. Sure there were several green spots here and there, but it was getting there.

She was gonna have her original hair back.

Amity had woken up rather early, so instead of going back to sleep, she decided that this would be the perfect moment to get rid of one of the many things holding her back.

Her hair.

So after another 45 minutes of roughly scrubbing her hair, her hair was finally back to normal.

A nice and shiny brown.

Just the way it was supposed to be.

She took a deep breath and hung back up the towel, after turning the knob and walking out, she turned over to her room and opened it up, flopping down onto her bed as soon as she entered. She turned over to the stack of books she kept next to her bed, her hair tie sticking out like a sore thumb as it was placed on top. Amity took ahold of the blackish-blueish tie, smiling as she threw it across the room, making it into the trash, along with all the other stuff that was forced upon her.

She sighed and drew a quick spell circle in the air, her scroll poofing out of mid-air. She grabbed the scroll swiftly and looked at the time.


Amity quickly poofed her scroll out and immediately sprung up. 

"I'm gonna be late for school!!"

She ran over to her closet and pulled out her school shirt, pants, boots, and her cowl. After quickly putting on her outfit, she ran out of her room, rushing over to her school.

The bell immediately rang after she stepped foot in the school, making her groan. The hall monitors caught the remaining students who were still lingering around the halls, eventually getting to Amity. They led her to her classroom and Amity thanked them, after addressing the reason she was late to class, the teacher sighed and told her to sit down, Amity following her order, she walked past the many students crowding the seats.

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