What is a hero exactly

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Hello so its me again. Sorry for the late update and thanks for the 911 views. You can't imagine my suprise when I see that. My eyes literally looks like its being blown from the inside making it fly off from my eye sockets Again thanks you guys are amazing and enjoy the new chapter~~

"You two should tell me you we're villains it hurt a bit finding it out the second day." And finished it of giggling softly making Tomura blushed a bit.

This leave everyone on USJ speechless. Why would a person hate heroes and look at villains the exact opposite.

Emerald eyes that once filled with malice and venumn looked like they are sparkling and full of life when they are with the villains. Only to revert back to a split second and change into a new emotion when an explosion was heard.

Ruby eyes stared into emeralds trying to stop the liquid from flowing out. He looks nervous. He was shaking vigorously terrified.

"DEKU!!!" Katsuki yelled making everyone look at him. Including the villains.

Izuku told them everything and what he feared the most, Katsuki Bakugo.

Kurogiri and Tomura looked at the angry blonde trying to come closer to them using his explosions to propel himself on the air. Some of the heroes in training saw that and were shocked the villain with hands acted like a man child suddenly become serious. However, the warp villain who did not show much of an emotion showed an aura filled with rage. They looked ready to kill the blonde with a split second.

When a whimper was heard throughout the commotion. Izuku is having a panic attack hearing those explosions made him remember the torturous days on his past self. He felt like being forcefully dragged back to the hell he once escaped.

"Shh.... Izu its ok you're here with us you're still alive." Those words Shigaraki said made him calm down a little. " Don't worry Izuku I will warp this demon to hell in a split second." Kurogiri said with a venumous voice but Izuku feel the warmth in those words. " That's right no more crying now. If you want I can even kill everyone in this room except for the both of you idiots." Tomura said jokingly making Izuku calm down and made him laugh a little.
They saved him again. They have helped him countless of times to get out of the chaos in his mind. The dark and colorless life of his. Was now filled with color and joy everyday thanks to them. His own family of the four of them.

After regaining his posture he hugged Shigaraki and look at him in the eyes. Emerald eyes met Blood red rubies making his happiness grew by the second.

" Thank you Shi-kun. I love you, kurogiri and sensei the most." He said with the brightest smile they have ever seen the boy yet.

While the three are a bit distracted All Might had defeated the nomu by giving it a barrage of punches making it bore a hole on the roof and sent flying out of the USJ. He stand there with steam coming out of his mouth daring the villains to come to him not having the enough strength to move.

Tomura seeing this as a chance rushed to the weakened hero while telling Kurogiri to protect Izuku.

' Just a little more. I just need a little more time before the pros come. I just need to touch him with five fingers. Even if I just destroy his arm so he can never punch again we will win this.' Shigaraki thought as his hand is getting closer and closer to All Might.

He was stopped by two people as he was about to touch All Might's hand only to be sent back by Ice and blast coming from both sides.

' Tch, but first I need to kill this brats. But that will also destroy All Might from the view of the public.' He continued to fight the two while calculating their moves. Disegrating the dual haired kid's ice and dodging blast from an angry pomeranian while trying to get closer to the two.

    The fight continued as All Might's limit is getting closer and closer. When a gun shot was heard and Shigaraki's father fall to the ground.

   "Tsk, the pros already arrived. We will retreat for now. Kurogiri you know what to do." Shigaraki said as he put father back on and was teleported near the two who was watching his fight. One in awe and the other who was a bit nervous because he suddenly grew quite.

    "Hmm?" Shigaraki said as Izuku tugged his shirt. "Shi-kun don't worry you'll get them next time, ok?" To be honest he was a bit disappointed it did not work as planned but seeing Izuku made him calm down a bit.


   Izuku stiffened for a bit sadness and anger threatening to spill. This went noticed by the two making Kurogiri make the warp gate faster and Tomura hold his hand to guide him in.

    Izuku was silent until he finally spoke. He spoked which come out as a mutter which pissed Bakugo more.

  "ANSWER ME YOU DAMN NERD" BAkugo shouted making the two more furious and want to kill him then and now. But they have to retreat or they will deal with more casualities than they already had.

   " Hey Bakugo Katsuki" Izuku said making bakugo looked shocked he called him by his full name not the girly nickname he used to call him even if he bullied him so much.

    " What exactly is a hero?" Izuku said as the portal slowly closes. " Is it someone who watched the weak alWAYS GET BEATEN TO THE DEATH, THE ONE'S WHO MOCK OTHERS FOR HAVING WHAT THEY CAN'T CONTROL!" His voice rising every second until even to the pros on the entrance of the USJ. He looked at them as tears fall down on his eyes." ARE THEY THE ONE'S THAT TELL A PERSON TO DIE EASILY" Then he looked at All Might. " OR ARE THEY THE ONE WHO DESTROYED THE HOPES AND DREAMS OF SOMEONE WHO IS HANGING BY THE THREAD" Then he smiled sadly looking at the ground. " I have already given up on that. I broke down. I tried to kill myself many times even before everybody told me to. I hated being alone. You know mom already has a new family when I was 7 she left me alone. But now I'm not alone because I finally met my true heroes and its not one of you." And with that the portal closed leaving everyone's hearth scarred for the rest of their lives.


  Sorry if its a bit long and to those who might have skipped the last chapter I've made title of the chapter is 'Afraid'. Also thanks again for the views and support you guys are awsome.

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