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Hi I'm back!
   So we finally finished the exams last week but they made us do 5 requirements! 5! And I became the leader in 2 of the group projects even though I'm a lazy person.
Any way that's all enjoy the new chapter~~

    After a week from all the events that happened, Izuku became more familiar with the league. All for One is the voice in the monitor making sure that Tomura won't do something stupid to not destroy some plan he made himself. Kurogiri takes care of everyone be it at housework, cooking and teaching. Tomura is a smart but lazy person who likes to play video games all day and is a bit of a man child.

   All in all to him they are like the family he had ever wished for when he was younger. A loving and caring family even if they don't make it obvious and just say it. They all care for each other even more than a real family. All for One being the dad figure, kurogiri being the mom hence the nickname Mamagiri and Tomura being a brother figure.

    He loves everyone and will do anything for them because for once there are people that treated him like a person. Even if he is quirkless they accepted him. They cared for him. He finally find a place where he feel at peace without being neglected, being cared for, and most of all he finally found his place on his once lonely world. Even if it is only three people they are the whole world for him.

   Days passed it became weeks and before they knew it eight months go by. He is helping Kurogiri bake a cake as a celebration for being accepted into highschool. And no he did not go to UA. He already gave up becoming a hero. Sure, it is easy to say he is wimpy or a coward for giving up but when your idol rejected you when your "best friend" messed up your life starting with giving you lots of sleepless nights due to anxiety and depression since you were four can you even blame him.
    Kurogiri told him to take a rest and sit on the counter as thanks for helping him. When he finally sat down after begging he was just fine and wanted to help more sheepishly he finally gave up with a sigh. Even if he looked a bit sad actually he feel comfortable with it. So he took a seat near Tomura who is busy making some "plans" that he still refused to tell him what. He maybe smart but Izuku already guessed that Tomura and Kurogiri are villains. Because who would build a bar in a less populated area and makes plans that they refused to tell him for months. It maybe sweet that they want to protect him. But he can't help to feel a bit sad that maybe they think that he won't accept them.

    After looking at Tomura for a while he turned on the TV. And with wide eyes he dropped the remote struggling to grasp for air. On the news it read All Might is teaching in UA. He felt his head pounding and felt sick on his stomach after hearing All Mights name being repeated again and again. He remembered the life both crushed by the said "Symbol of Peace" and everyone around him. The life he almost lost because of them. He was having a panic attack just by remembering it all. The hurtful words, the suicide baiting, everything is engulfing his mind turning his thoughts into a massive void of pain. His eyes becoming teary as seconds go by. It is being difficulty to breathe and he became more panicked by the second.
   His mind in the state of fear and confusion was stopped by someone grabbing him by the shoulders. It was Tomura. He was telling him to breathe and calm down but was unheard. Instead just by seeing his eyes Izuku began to calm down little by little. As he stare at Tomura's blood red ruby eyes and Kurogiri's worried figure he felt safe and slowly calms down.
    After calming down, he profusely apologized trying to stand up only to headbutt Tomura on the chin. They stood silent for a while but soon the whole bar was filled with laughter and smiles coming from the three.

   While All for One just listened and smiled to their voices, "It really became lively with Izuku here. They even became attached to him." He liked listening and conversing with the boy. As he made them forget some of the pain and suffering they have within. Making their own life have a bit more color other than bloodshed.

  And with that the day went on with smiles on the faces of everyone.

   After the panic incident, two days passed and they asked Izuku to watch the bar so he did not go to school that day. After an hour of talking with Kurogiri and Tomura  he goes upstairs to give them some privacy to talk with all for one.

  He got into his and Tomura's room to changed into Tomura's hoodie as he let him to wear it saying that he had many pairs because that's all he wears. He was supposed to have a room to himself but they let him sleep together with either  Kurogiri or Tomura out of worry. As he got down the two were leaving through the portal and telling him to stay in the bar.

   After only a minute after they said that he slipped and fell into the portal. Of course, he is still a bit clumsy and slipped out of nothing at all. All for One just face palmed as he saw(?) what happened through the monitor.

   Izuku was transported into USJ and now understood what the plan is. It was to defeat All Might of course. Definitely not obvious because Tomura always shouts his hatred for the guy loud and proud.

   "I'm just gonna wait and come out later so we can go home together." Izuku said as he looked at his surroundings. Not long after everything went south Kurogiri is pinned to the ground and Tomura is about to be punched by all might because the Nomu's body was frozen thanks to a certain peppermint arriving early.

   What happened next shocked everyone. Suddenly a boy ran infront of the villain staring coldly at All might leaking a venomous aura that surrounds the small figure. Making everyone hesitate for a second. And a second is all they needed hurriedly Kurogiri teleported the nomu out of the ice and freed himself from being pinned by a blonde student. After that the boy turned around and smiled sweetly at the two with a pout and said, "You two should tell me you we're villains it hurt a bit finding it out the second day." And finished it of giggling softly making Tomura blushed a bit.

  So I don't know if I can really update per week because our second quarter has a mont only which means more projects yay~~ so anyways hope you guys enjoy~~

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