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" Just why and what, make you think that you can barge into MY house and destroyed MY food that I worked hard on," Everybody looked at kurogiri it's true the debris fell directly into the pot. And instead of a prying pan he is now holding a knife.


    With that Kurogiri walked slowly the adrenaline kicking in as the walk soon turned into full on sprinting, with a knife in hand an an eerie screech. His figure is unwavering and unafraid making everyobe in the League of Villains unconsciously salute and sing Country Road as he continued screeching, "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!"

      Well that gave the reporters that came into the scene some tea to use for years....

       Kurogiri then closed the distance between him and his arch nemesis. With a single step he started his retaliation, he begun swinging his knife in critical spots and using his warp to evade certain attacks. The fight only lasted for a small amount of time as the Trash begun to weaken, falling on his knees. Damn that is a one sided match. Kurogiri put his feet down at the back of the supposed hero and pumped his fist in the air for victory as everyone cheered for Mamagiri, even Stain shed at tear as he clapped furiously in awe.

    However, this fight is not all fun and games as the heroes took the opportunity to attack Kurogiri down. He couldn't escape nor fought back as he felt himself getting weaker due to the adrenaline didn't last long. It turned out the situation is much worst because he is captured by no other than, Endeavor himself.

    He could feel the heat of the others hand trying to burn him alive if he dares and tries to even move a finger. Now look and tell them who the real villain is. " VILLAINS!!! If you move or even lift a finger I'll burn your mother!!", Endeavor shouted loud and clear.

    'Is he stupid, maybe he really is a trash in disguised and somebody disposed of his brain,' was only all of the Leagues thought as they growled in anger.

       All for One slowly smirked as his trump card was used. Suddenly they can hear the other police and back up heroes screamed in horror when a dozen of nomus begin causing havoc outside and rushed straight into the building. Endeavor who was attacked by one of the creatures he let go of Kurogiri for a split second. This went noticed by Magne who used her magnet to pull Kurogiri into Toga.

   With Kurogiri back into the League they begun to strike back. Stain, Toga and Spinner slashed and paralized the heroes that dares to come close. Twice and Dabi burns anyone with a long range quirk. Mustard used his poison gas on the police just enough to put them to sleep. Kurogiri, Magne and Compass became the support redirecting and using their quirks to help everyone dodge attacks. While, Shigaraki and All for One marched to attack the person they hated the most, All Might.

    The whole League is in synch their team work is far more superior than the heroes who only think of saving their own skin. The war looked so one sided with All Might at his knees on the ground. But why does Izuku had a sinking feeling that something bad is about to happen to his family.

    Those feelings were proven when an explosion was heard. Everyone in the league stopped their attacks as Shigaraki and All for One was down on the ground. Izuku's eyes widen at the sight of his family bloodied on the ground. ' What just Happened?'

   Their eyes darted to All Might. They didn't noticed it earlier but it seemed like he is wearing a support gear. It seems to boost his power by ten times but how?. As Izuku looked more it became clearer it was a support item made by David Shield, the only invention that he made that was considered illegal because it boosted the quirk factor of people that can chaos if a villain attained one of them.

    Izuku knew just how much power that would give to a single punch if he does not do something right now his Father and Tomura will definitely die. The image of the both of them gone from his life made his breathing hitched as he rushed forward to where the two were.

     All might is getting closer and closer at the very second, as he was about to punch the villains a wall of ice were formed giving Kurogiri enough time to warp All for One and Tomura out. Izuku knew who did it and he was never more thankful for what just happened. Thanks to Shoto the two most important people to him was safe and sound.

   Izuku smiled as he tried to wash away the fear in him. The heroes eyes widened that smile and the glowing toxic green orbs of Izuku was enough to make their skin crawl and beg for their life with their face on the ground.

     Izuku's expression then turned into a warm smile with a contrastingly cold and distant eyes that made their spine shiver. With a sweet venomous voice he spoke, " All Might~ would you like to try and destroy my third life after you destroyed the second one?" He sang the voice filled with hate.

       'Third life?? Second life?? what does he mean?' as All Might was about to ask what he had meant, Izuku cut him off. " That's right on the day we first met," he trailed off and All might eyes widened he had a bad feeling about this. With a straight laced face and a cold tone he continued, " I jumped." After saying that he giggled to himself, " That's right I jump didn't I but I'm speaking and breathing right now, isn't it weird?" He gave him a close eyed smile.

   All for One and Shigaraki that just woke up was nonetheless shocked at that statement. ' He jumped...? But how, I was there when he tried to jump on his apartment building. I was with him for half of that day he did not have any bruises...? He looked normal?' Tomura questioned himself as he looked at Izuku's figure.

   " You see I was affected by a quirk or is it a curse, probably both. Hey, do you want to know what it is?" He smiled as he put one of his finger down that made all might crash into the ground beneath him, " The quirk that an old lady used out of pity to make my one wish come true!" He giggled again seemingly to find what he had said funny. " But guess what I wished to be loved by someone but until my death I died alone all because I was Quirkless, " he laughed out making him looked like a psycho path. " For eleven years I was alone, bullied, hurt both emotionally and psychologically." He grew quite and looked back with a crazed look in his eyes. " I even tried to kill myself many times but every single time that quirk freaking activates itself and here I am now," He growled at distaste of the word 'quirk'.

   Everything around them stopped the heroes and villains forgot their fight after hearing what is coming out of a young boys mouth, ' He lived like that for eleven years when he only looked to be about the age of fifteen.' The league cried at the person that made sure that can fit in and find their place had actually been in so much pain. Tomura and All for One felt hurt that Izuku never even uttered a word about this to them.

    " However, I am great full because I met my family, the quirk seems to still be working tho because I had a new wish you see, " He glanced at All might and raised his hand at him and the one finger at the reporters. " And it is to destroy the Hero society to make sure my family is safe even if I had to die " and with that his hands glow he slowly turned into his family and give them a loving smile.

"Bye-bye thank you for the whole year, it was fun. And Shi-chan, I love you too." And with that tears fall down on the whole League and so does Izuku's last. At the very end he did not think about himself and only about his family. If their is only one regret he had it was he wished he at least confessed earlier maybe things wouldn't be more painful. Just like that his once smiling figure faded into the night only the painful sobs and cries of the League were heard.

And that's the end of the story of Tomura Izuku, a pure hearted boy who was loyal to his Family and Friends. Who was loyal to Tomura Shigaraki at his very last moment on earth.

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