Section III: chapter 4: Leader of Delta

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(Molly's POV)

It's been a few days since Y/n Alex Louis and Lilly got the files you needed for the rest of Delta's bases and you are outside the gates with Alex looking around for any Delta soldiers at all and you say to Alex.

Molly: Keep an eye out we don't if any people is part of Delta.

Alex: Yeah I know but why do they want to attack us after 28 years after you guys blew up there boat? It doesn't add up.

Molly: Well Y/n knew they would be back but never knew when.

Alex: Well that explains it.

You were about today something but a explosion goes off knocking you both off your feet and three people come out of the forest and in says.

???1: Don't do anything stupid and you both don't get shot.

Molly: Who are you?

???1: I'm Damran Shirdi, leader of Delta.

Alex: What do you want from us?

Damran: Very simple: the file one of you stole.

Molly: We didn't steal no file.

Damran: Then you leave me no choice others than to destroy New Atlanta and who's ever the leader there.

Molly: I'm the leader there.

Damran: So next time I see you I won't hesitate to kill you. Good day leader of New Atlanta.

Damran and his two soldiers and then  Alex says.

Alex: Jesus what was that all about the one file that me and Y/n stole?

Molly: Apparently so. God this ain't good.

Alex: If we're not careful they kill us all.

Molly: Ok let's be careful.

You both then run back to New Atlanta.

A/n: So the name Damran Shirdi I actually though of if your wondering.

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