Chapter 36: An old friend

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(Clem's POV)

You and Molly are walking though the Forrest and Molly says.

Molly: Clem can we stop for a second?

You nod and you both rest by a rock but then walkers come and you say.

Clem: We have to move.

She nods and you move but very slowly slow enough where walkers can catch up with you both get knocked down and Molly says.

Molly: Jesus no not like this.

Then out of nowhere the was a machete that chop't a walkers head off and there's some with a crossbow and he shoots walkers until he says.

???: I'm out grab her and tell her friend to get a move on.

???2: C'mon let's go.

The person picks up Molly and you all run deeper inside the Forrest until you guys see an Elk with arrows in it and a walker eating it and the person says.

???2: Shit this ain't good Pete.

Pete: No shit.

Then there a person he looks the same age as you and he has a bow on him and have a scar on his right arm along with an black bandana.

A/n: If you played if even watched Call of duty ghosts you probably recognize this symbol.

A/n: If you played if even watched Call of duty ghosts you probably recognize this symbol

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And he says.

???3: Shit that's my Elk!

???2: You couldn't do anything you know.

???3: Don't get smart with me Luke or do you want an arrow in your ass?

Luke: No thanks.

???3: Wait what happened to that girl?

Luke: Don't know.

Clem: She got bit by a dog.

Luke gently puts Molly down and the person with the bandana says.

???3: I can take a look at the bite.

You nod and he looks at the bite and Luke says.

Luke: Is it like she says?

???3: Yeah it's a dog bite alright I can take care of dog bites but my stuff is back at the cabin with you guys.

The person with the bandana kills the walker and says.

???3: That's another meal lost.

You look at the person and you say.

Clem: You look familiar.

???3: You do too who are you?

Clem: Clementine.

???3: Wait I remember you.

He lowers his bandana and you instantly recognize his face: It's Y/n.

During the music

Clem: Y/n?

Y/n: Hey Clem.

You both hug each other and you say.

Clem: I missed you.

Y/n: I missed you too.

Clem: We have a lot of catching up to do.

Y/n: Let's get Molly patched up and then we'll catch up ok?

Clem: Ok.

End of music

Y/n picks up Molly and you four go to the cabin that Y/n mention about.

Clementine x male reader: Dead survivorWhere stories live. Discover now