Chapter 91: Blood vs blood

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You were upstairs in the building but with your brother trying to get you to join Delta but in your mind you wonder if he was brainwashed just like you.

You eventually got to a room and Eric said.

Eric: End of the line.

You then say.

Y/n: Im not running anymore asshole I'm going to finish this here and now.

Eric: Bring it in then.

A/n: I had to put this here for the fight scene cause it's you against your own brother so I hope that makes sense.

During the music

You then try to punch Eric but it misses he then knock you to the ground with one punch and you spit out blood and you elbow him in the face punch him twice one in the stomach and in the neck and he says.

Eric: Ok now you were just lucky.

Y/n: There no such thing as luck.

Eric: How about you join Delta?

Y/n: They brainwashed you I already been brainwashed once and it made me hurt my friends by an eye and an arm.

Eric: We'll probably kill them all before we brainwash you.

After that all you have is rage.

Y/n: I'll fucking kill you!

You knock him down and punch him repeatedly then you both fall off a balcony but you are just fine Eric on the other hand he is in pain leg twisted the other way broken arm and blood coming out of his mouth. You then see a gun and you try to grab it to finish your brother but then you see Lilly holding a gun to your head and she says.

Lilly: This should be easy damnit.

Y/n: I'll see you in hell.

Lilly: You're going to be there for a long time before I show up.

Y/n: I don't mind waiting.

You close your eye to wait for the bullet to kill you but then Louis comes and tackles Lilly to the ground then you see Sean and Molly that need help and you shoot the one that has Molly and Sean nod telling you that you made the right choice you all clear out the walkers and you say to Molly.

Y/n: Who was taken?

Molly: Aasim, Omar, Lee and Clementine.

Your eye widen at Clem's name your surprised that she was captured and you say.

Y/n: Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! FUUUUUUUCK!

Molly: Well get her back. All of them.

Y/n: Of course we will cause I will not leave her behind no matter the cost.

Molly: You think any of the raiders who aren't dead know where they taken them?

Y/n: Hold that thought.

You grab you passed out brother and grab him by the collar of his shirt and drag him to everyone else and Molly say.

Molly: Yeah he'll talk.

Y/n: If he doesn't he gets loads of bullets in him.

She nods and Louis takes him down to the basement to tie him up so you can question him in the morning.

Clementine x male reader: Dead survivorWhere stories live. Discover now