Section III: chapter 5: Fall of New Atlanta

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(Y/n's POV)

It's been a couple of days since Molly and Alex had encounter with the leader of Delta: Damran Shirdi.

You had defenses up from last line an attack in New Atlanta which was from the Del Lobos and the asshole Gabe.

You and Clem are on watch and you say.

Y/n: Hey Clem are you worried about Delta returning?

Clem: To be honest: yes.

Y/n: I understand we been through hell and back.

Clem: Yeah we have.

You then see Delta March up to the front gate you you see the leader that Molly said was Damran Shirdi and he says.

Damran: Leader of New Atlanta get down here now and hand me over the file that on of the people of yours stole or face destruction of your home! I'll give you 10 seconds if your not down here by then we will shoot! Ten!

Y/n: Fuck what do we do?

Damran: Nine! Eight!

Clem: I don't talk to the until Molly shows up?

Damran: Seven! Six! Five!

Y/n: Ok when I say give you the signal you guys open fire.

Clem: And what will that be?

Damran: Four! Three! Two!

Y/n: When I shoot Damran.

Damran: One!

You head out if the gates and he says.

Damran: Who the fuck are you?

Y/n: Y/n L/n second in command leader of New Atlanta.

Damran: Damran Shirdi leader of Delta. I spoke with the leader of New Atlanta and who is she?

Y/n: My sister.

Damran: You don't see many family members left.

Y/n: No you don't. So tell me what do you want, motherfucker?

Damran: Well I want the files that one of you stole.

Y/n: Can't have them.

Damran: Is that so? Pity, I was just starting to like you.

He aim his gun and shoot you but you dodge our of the way and shoot Damran in the leg and you enter the gate and you hear him scream.

Damran: You fuckin' asshole! Shoot them you lazy pricks!

During the music

You Luke Clem Chloe Brian Lee Violet and Molly start shooting at the Damran and his Delta and but the they start throwing grenades fire bottles and tear gas.

You all get away from all of that and you all mount your horses leaving the New Atlanta in ruins.

End of music

Three days later

You all wait for others survivors but there was not that many left other than Michael, Lilly, Mitch, Aasim, Louis, Marlon, Mariana and Alex.

You all made a base for now and you say.

Y/n: We lost everything we worked hard for but at this we have each other but the question is: what do we do now?

Molly: No idea but maybe we can still fight back.

Y/n: Like take the fight to them?

Molly: Exactly like that.

Y/n: Well I don't see any other ideas. So who's with me and Molly.

Clem: I am.

Chloe: Same.

Brian: Yeah me too.

Lee: Well we have to do something.

Violet: To all who has fallen.

Luke: It's not like we have many options.

Mariana: Let's kill these sons of bitches.

Alex: It's now or never.

Aasim: It's us or them and I say it's them who will be dying.

Lilly: They won't know what hit them.

Michael: Let's take this motherfucking battle to there front gates.

Mitch: And see how they like it.

Louis: They will pay for what they done.

Marlon: Assholes will pay dearly.

Y/n: There feel pretty stupid when they find out.

Mariana: Find out what?

You take a minute before saying.

Y/n: There fuckin' with the wrong people.

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