1. Light in the dark

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It is so quiet. I open my eyes, but it doesn't help me. All I see is darkness. My heart is aching, raw from the loss of my father and Logan. I feel my tears run down my face. I move to wipe them away, but it's so dark that I can't even see my hand in front of me.

The darkness is so thick it feels like it will choke me if I let it in. I had nothing, not even my memories. Then I had Mia and a family, then I lost them and found a new family, now I've lost them too. Is this all my life will ever consist of? Lose and betrayal? My heart sinks further and the darkness gets thicker, it is getting harder to breathe now.

My thoughts go to my father and the emotional rollercoaster ride with him. I enjoyed being around him but when I found out he was my father and not Aiden's, it hurt to think of all the things he had done to keep me from being tainted, but in the end, he gave his life to save me from my uncle and showed me how much he loved me.

The darkness has begun to ease up and I find breathing a little easier now. I move slowly, trying to see if there is anything around me but the space is completely empty. A small light appears and moves towards me. The light is so small, but in the darkness, it can be seen so brightly.

I shake my head. Why didn't I think of it sooner? In a flash of dazzling light my deerling bursts to life, lighting up the darkness. "Wow! I didn't expect you to be so big." I bend down slightly. "You're as big as a bear!"

"I am as you need me to be right now." my deerling says. My mouth falls open as I try to process this.

"I have been by your side your whole life. You gave me life. You taught me to love and how to give it to another." He nestles up to my hand that dangles at my side. "I was with you when you were a child. I watched you grow. I was there when Aiden sent you to the other side. I was with you when the most beautiful 18-year-old girl found you."


"Yes, Bree."

"But I don't understand! How are you my deerling when you're supposed to be with Mia and the kids?"

"Once I was through the portal and in a world with no magic, I was given a physical body. When I saw Mia, I scattered, hiding from her. I didn't know what was going on, but I was always by your side and stayed close. After Mia caught me a few times, she invited me to spend time with you both and that made keeping an eye on you easier over the years. But what I didn't expect was to fall so in love with her. I began to lose track of time and my task. When Mia said we should get married I was so happy and then Mira came along seven years later. I had no idea I could even give her children. I was lost in so much joy. All I could think of was that I wanted her to call our first child 'that was the spitting image of her mother with her auburn hair and hazel eyes,' was Mini Mia, but she wouldn't have any of it. So, she compromised with me and named her Mira." he chuckles, lost in the memory. "When Chris came along eighteen months later, my own little mini me, I looked into those grey eyes and I was gone. I had fallen so far into my happy place that the day the Akuma attacked I was shocked to my very core. It had stopped occurring to me that today might be the day. I grabbed Mira and Chris, trying to get them to safety and pull Mia with me, but she wouldn't leave you. That's when I realized how far I had strayed from my path, I was torn between my mission and my heart. After you disappeared, Mia was a mess and everything fell apart. I was so torn up that I failed you. I started failing Mia and the kids, too, but as you got stronger, I felt your powers calling to the bond we share. I was given the task to lead you through to your destiny. Many have tried before but failed." explains Tom.

"Failed what?" I interject.

"All will be explained as you progress. No one has ever made it out of the darkness, once they let it in, it overtakes them, completely consuming them." Tom says in a grave tone.

I blink a few times and realize the darkness is part of my test. "That's why I felt like it was choking me." I ask.

"When you were lonely and thinking of all the bad memories you were dying, but when you remembered how you felt loved, it pushed back the darkness. It is still all around us, but you have it in control now."

A giggle escapes me, making Tom raise an eyebrow at my reaction.

"I am so sorry Tom, it's really hard to have a serious conversation with you when you look like a deerling."

Tom chuckles realizing what has me reacting this way. "You can choose my form Bree. I have no physical form here. I'm pure magic. My body is back home with Mia but when you need me your deerling is the best I can use."

"But what happens to your body back home?" I ask as I focus on Tom and what he usually looks like. I listen to him as his form changes to that of the handsome, ash blond haired, grey eyed man I know so well.

"It's like I'm in a deep sleep. Since you last saw Mia, she was feeling like she was going insane. It got so bad that she was going to doctors and psychiatrists to get help. I was doing better now that I was back on track to help you learn your magic, and you seemed to need me less and less. It made things easier for me and I could focus on Mia. That's when I told her the truth. I told her everything. When my body went into my first few sleeps, no one could wake me. The doctors had a hard time figuring it out so I had no choice but to tell Mia everything. She took it far better than I thought she would, actually. Your visit with her made everything so much easier for her to believe, and now she looks forward to me telling her how you're doing and what you get up to."

I shrink a little. "You haven't told her everything, have you?" I ask sheepishly.

Tom smiles at me brightly. "I don't tell her things that will get me killed, if she knew even one percent of what you get up to while under my watch, I would not have to worry about divorce." A wide grin spreads across his face as he winks at me.

I laugh so hard I feel my sides threaten to split. "I missed this so much."

"Me too. Here we have more than enough magic to talk now. Before I could not do much other than observe, help you with your magic, and try to make you smile when I could."

"Wait a minute, I always thought you were a year older than Mia, if you are of magic what...."

Tom rolls his eyes with a smile cutting me off. "When I met Mia, I said I was one year older than her because that was what I had understood the requirements of a male to be. I had to adapt quickly and learn all I could. One of the perks of being made of pure magic, you are a fast learner and pretty impressive." Tom winks at me boastfully, buffing his nails on his shirt.

I push him as I laugh off his terrible attempt to boast, as Tom is a very humble man it does not work at all for him.

"On a more serious note, that night I tried to go home, I saw there was distance between you both," I say softly.

Tom places his hand under my chin to raise my face to look up at him. "I promise you that was a very dark time for us, but once again you brought us back together Bree. We are stronger than ever now. I have no secrets from her and she can believe in the impossible."

I smile a big smile as my heart fills more and another worry falls from my mind. The room vibrates under our feet as flames shoot up around us, piercing the darkness further. The flames box us in like a giant cage.

"Oh, no! What did I do?" I shriek.

"No, Bree! Don't think negatively. You're doing it!"

"We are in a fire cage! What is progress about this?" I snap.

He laughs, wrapping his arms around me and lifting me off my feet awkwardly. I push at Tom as he lets me back down.

"Progress is knowing Aiden and my friends are okay."

In an instant the fire burns hotter and brighter. The fire twists into a viewing window. I see Aiden and the others still on the platform. I reach out to touch Aiden, but retract my hand quickly as the fire burns me. Aiden turns to me and I swear his deep blue eyes are looking right at me.

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