14. Midoria Fever (Aiden)

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"Aiden?" my mother calls to me.

"What is the hold up?" Mac asks, coming over to us.

"We are all ready to go. How about you?" Nathaniel asks, joining Mac.

Quickly, I snap the book shut and stuff it back into my satchel. I move quickly, joining mother in the dreaded box.

"Alright, ready to go so let's go!" I say moving away from the water, catching everyone off guard at my abruptness. I incline my head again to Jacob as we leave. He smiles and waves goodbye to us.

Mother curls herself around me. "Want to tell me what just happened?" she asks.

"Not really," I reply dryly.

"You have been acting strange for a while what is going on?"

"Mind your own business, Mother." I retort, my irritation getting the better of me.

"Well, you can discuss how that arm is going as I saw it is still giving you trouble, or you can tell me what was going on with that book of Bree's just now. It is a long trip to Midoria and I am very persistent when it comes to the BUSINESS of MY son." She waits a moment knowing I am realizing she will not be letting me get away with this.

I sigh. "The arm is still no better but the paste is keeping it from getting worse at the moment, so I'm considering this as a win still. The book, well it began to glow and all the back pages that were blank before are now not blank." I say in a rush hoping this will end this conversation now that I have answered her questions, but I know better.

"Why didn't you tell me about your arm sooner?!" she barks angrily.

I roll my eyes at her.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me! This is serious Aiden."

"And what could you do if you knew?" I ask, shutting her down. She knows the truth. This was my only lead and hope.

After a few moments of awkward blissful silence, she starts up again. This time asking more about the book.

"I told you everything. I snapped it closed before I really saw anything, and from what I did see, Bree needs to be the first to see it."

"And what are you going to do if that book is connected to getting her out?"

"I know it isn't!" I snap.

"What if she doesn't come back?!" she yells.

I gasp. My heart is pumping so loud, and my breath is so heavy it stings. I clench my fists, trying to rain in my growing temper.

"I'm sorry." she stutters, obviously realizing what she has said. "I... just."

"Enough. I'm tired and it will be a long trip. I don't want to talk anymore." I say, calmer than I feel.

She does not challenge me. She lays her head down and thank all who are holy she does not say another word.

When we finally reach the borders of Midoria, it does not look the same at all. What was once a breathtaking wonderland of green is now an average, dull landscape like all others. We move deeper into Midoria and it does not get any better. We reach the castle and gasp. The leaves are wilted, the gates are unmanned, and the castle looks rundown.

"What is going on here?" I ask out loud.

Luc, Mac and Nathaniel come up beside me as we enter the gates of Midoria.

"This looks like a ghost town." Mac says, looking around the empty looking town.

When we get to the stairs Anzibar lowers himself to the floor, letting my mother and I off. I grab my satchel. Pizza clicks and pops, pleased I did not forget him.

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