2. The world without her (Aiden)

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"Bree?" The words are out of my mouth before I realize it.

Roxy looks up at me. She is still on the ground. It is so hard to comfort her when all I want to do is scream myself, not to mention I am useless when it comes to emotional outbursts.

One of the reasons I like Roxy is because she is strong and does not let her emotions get the better of her, so in moments like this I feel utterly useless. It has been hard on all of us, not to mention Roxy is too strong to admit she is in love with Metikye, and he is currently comforting a completely distraught Madeline.

I know Bree would know how to handle situations like this, it is at times like this I realize how much I really depend on her.

Her tears stop, and hope shines in her blue eyes, "Why did you call Bree's name just now?" Roxy asks me.

Just thinking of Bree calms me. Maybe she is what we all need right now.

"I know it sounds strange, but I swear I felt Bree reaching out to me." I shake my head listening to my thoughts out loud. "Sounds ridiculous I know, but I felt it."

"Knowing the bond, you and Bree have, it does not sound so farfetched actually."

Metikye finally makes his way to Roxy, helping her to her feet. The way she looks at him gives her away so easily but Metikye's heart is rivaled by the man's cluelessness. I sigh.

When Madeline sees Roxy she runs over, wrapping her arms around Roxy, giving her a big hug. Although Roxy looks awkward with this show of affection, she does not push her away.

It seems the mere mention of Bree does the trick, giving them hope knowing she is still alive. It drives me mad that so many people seem to need her. All I can think is that she is mine and I need her more. I know I should not feel that way, but I cannot help how I feel.

"We can't do anything if we are all giant messes. I know Bree is okay and I know she is going to need us to be at our best."

Everyone nods and agrees.

"You all heard the maiden speak. This prophecy was never what any of us thought it was, and if Bree felt the need to go, she had good reason. Bree's heart is the purest I have ever known. I cannot believe anything involving her could be bad. She would never allow it and Bree has put her life on the line for that belief." I say firmly.

"How can you be so sure Bree is okay?" one person from the crowd asks, a bustle of voices rumble in agreeance.

"I know she is okay. I feel it in my heart." I reply.

"We can't base our faith and our lives on your feelings, we need more!" another voice shoots back.

"YEAH!" the crowd roars.

"How about me?"

The crowd parts as my mother walks through the crowd. Everyone is quiet as she walks to me, turns, and sits at my side.

"I am Queen Reina."

"For all those who don't understand her, this is my mother Queen Reina." I say in my best authoritative voice I can muster.

Gasps ring out as whispers and chatter erupt.

"QUIET!" I thunder. The space falls silent as I continue to repeat my mother's words to the crowd. "How I came to be this way is irrelevant right now. What matters at this moment is that even though Bree is not with us, I know she is alive because anyone not of light magic sees me in the form of a Bupper puppy. Bree placed this illusion on me to stop people from being afraid and helping me to move around more freely from judgment. If Bree was dead, you would not be able to see this, you would see the Akuma I was cursed to walk as."

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