12. Jacob (Aiden)

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The little chittle is happily watching everything go by as we leave the swamp far behind us. It seems this little guy has been lost in the swamp for quite some time. When we finally stop off to water the andocrits and give our aching muscles a well-deserved rest, I decide to go to the water and give the grubby chittle a wash.

Once we get near the water, he does not seem to be happy with my decision as he squirms and scratches at my hands. Once I let him go, he tries to retreat to my shoulder but falls off. I catch him and lower him to the ground so he can go if he chooses. He raises his feet, refusing to let his feet touch the ground.

"You are a funny one." I remark. "I will be here with you. I will not let anything happen to you. I promise, but if you are going to continue traveling in my satchel you will need to be clean." I warn, raising an eyebrow, daring him to challenge me.

The chittle cowers a little. His ears drop in defeat. I place him down on a nearby log to undress before he can protest my letting him go. When he sees me removing my shirt, boots, belt, and sword, he seems far more comfortable now that he knows he is not going in alone.

Slowly, I walk into the crystal, clear water while holding him close to my chest. As we sink deeper into the water, I can feel his heartbeat rapidly increase, his growing distress evident.

I try to get him comfortable with how close he is to the water now by distracting him with conversation. Whatever happened to this little guy does not look like a pleasant story and he does not trust me enough to talk much, let alone tell me anything right now so the first thing I think of to talk about is Bree.

"You know not only do I think you will love being around chittles just like you, but you will get to meet a wonderful woman I know, who will like you and I think you will love her."

He looks at me, listening to me ramble on about Bree and everything I love about her. I especially love her ability to challenge me and even put me on my ass when she gets the better of me, which is way more than I'll ever admit to her.

It works because we are now completely in the water and he has not even realized it yet. To make it more obvious, I move around the water a little harder. After a little panic for a moment, he seemed to be visibly more relaxed. I cannot move him away from my body without him getting frightened but at least he is enjoying himself now.

"So, not as bad as you thought it would be?"

He looks at me with an awkward smile and I know it to be the case.

Once he is all clean, we get out of the water and he seems a little disappointed. I sigh and shake my head with a smile. I walk over to Anzibar's satchel to pull out a towel and dry him off.

"Nathaniel?" I call.

Nathaniel comes to me quickly. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong per say I just wanted to know if you have ever seen a chittle like this before?"

Nathaniel looks at the mostly dry ball of fluff in my hands and his eyes grow wide too.

"I have never seen a chittle with multiple colors before."

"Me either, that's why I asked." I say, equally baffled.

"Those are the most beautiful blues and purples I have ever seen on a chittle. They're colorful and all, but they're always only one color."

"I guess it goes to show anything is possible." I remark, petting the very relaxed chittle.

"I think you are going to have to name him Aiden. After this I don't see him leaving your side." Nathaniel remarks with a laugh.

"I guess I should, He is unusual so maybe something unusual." I say with a smile.

"Bree would love you, I know it, so something Bree related.

"With you everything is Bree related." Nathaniel playfully taunts.

I give him a rude gesture and continue what I was saying. "Maybe something from her world. I know just the thing! Pizza!"

Everyone crowds around us. "Wow that sounds different. What is pizza?"

"I don't know but she always says how much she misses it and curling up with one was her favorite pastime. To me it sounds like a companion she once had, what do you think?"

"Aiden that sounds lovely and so perfect." my mother coos.

"It's settled. I here by name you pizza of Negalia!"

Pizza pops and clicks, obviously delighted to be given a name and seems to love it too. I bend down and place him down for a little run, but he jumps off the ground and back in my arms. I must admit I am a little shocked he is not running around like most chittle do. Usually they cannot sit still, but Pizza seems to be quite the opposite.

"Pizza I'm not leaving you. I promise. I only thought you might like to have a run around."

He snuggles up to me for a moment, seeming to contemplate if I am telling the truth or not. It really does show he has been through something and trust is an issue. A few moments later, it seems he chooses to believe me and slowly makes his way to the ground.

Pizza walks around us but continues to stay close. I pull some food and drink out so we can all have something to eat, when I hear someone calling out above the waterfall.

We look up to find a tall man in his 60's with short white hair on his head and all over his face. Slowly, we all look at each other confused and watch him descend to where we are.

As he gets closer, I notice Bree's book in my satchel begins to glow. "What in the name of magic!"

"What is it Aiden?" Reina looks concerned.

I look over to my mother. "Don't you see the book glowing?" I whisper.

They all look at each other, then at me. "No, we don't." they whisper back, confused.

A voice comes from behind, grabbing everyone's attention. How did none of us pick up on him? Even my mother did not sniff him out until he was right on top of us.

"Who are you?"

"Jacob." he beams, bouncing on his toes.

He is a nimble old man that is for sure. "What can we do for you Jacob?" I say with my strong, deep, no nonsense tone.

"Oh, no son, it's what I can do for you. I have come to give you a message from your uncle." he says with a big smile.

"What is this message?" I ask.

"Come back to Midoria as soon as you can. A sickness is spreading through Midoria and your Aunty Aria is in a real bad way." He continues to smile as if he just told us the best news in the lands and is proud, he got to tell us.

I am increasingly growing impatient with this man. "This is important and very delicate news. Why are you out here on foot? And why is this not written?"

"Oh, no time to waste. I was in the area and a furngra told me she had a message for you and I said I would gladly give it to you." he beams.

"Thank you for delivering the message." I say, inclining my head slightly in respect.

"No time to waste. You best be off." he says chipperly bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"You're right. We will be on our way right now." I say to him.

I feel we need to be cautious with him. I do feel he is telling the truth. I make my way to Anzibar. Mother is already in the stupid box saddle I find humiliating and extremely uncomfortable.

Pizza jumps into the open satchel, obviously not willing to be left behind. I notice Bree's book again. When I pull it out and flip through the pages, I notice the books empty pages at the back are writing themselves.

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