16. The Fall of Skytown

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Nathaniel rests his hand on my shoulder, breaking me from my thoughts. "I think we have done all we can do here. We really need to get back."

"No, we are not going back home." I say, still looking out the window, taking everyone by surprise.

"Everyone will be panicking. If they see you still have magic, we can give hope and calm people down."

"Nathaniel is right, my son. We really should get back. All we can do is give out the moss for the people here to keep them going for a while longer, but we have far more to handle back home."

I turn to face them, walking towards them. "I know you don't understand but I have to go somewhere else."

"I think that capium burn is finally getting to you. You're not thinking straight." my mother scolds.

I move toward her, but bite back when a voice from behind me startles me.

"Aiden is quite right. He needs to go to Sky Town."

I turn to find Jacob is sitting in the window I was just standing at.

"How did you get in here? I was just at that window. It is a sheer drop on the other side!" I blurt out, trying to make sense of all this. "Jacob? What are you doing here?" I ask suspiciously.

He laughs. "So many questions and no time to answer any of them." He swings his legs out, dropping onto the floor in my aunt and uncle's room. He walks over to me and places a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Sky Town needs you." he says with a smile. "No time to dilly, dally." He inclines his head to everyone and walks out the room.

"Wait! How did you know my aunt and uncle needed us? They never sent a message!" I yell after him as I get to the hallway. He has vanished.

"This guy is really getting on my nerves." I grumble.

"What just happened?" Uncle Jonathan asks.

"Honestly, I couldn't tell you. That guy has been in and out so much I have not got a clue of what to think of him anymore."

"Why does he want you to go to Sky Town?" he asks me.

"I think he thinks I can help them somehow, maybe. I do not know. All I know is he led us to you saying you needed us, and you did even though you never did ask like he said you did." I sigh, running my hands through my hair.

"Do you trust him?" Aunty Aria asks me, sounding much better than before.

I think for a moment. "Yes, I think I do. There is something about him I can't explain, and before he came, I felt it too. I have to go. I'm not expecting any of you to follow me but I am going. There is no changing my mind."

Everyone looks at each other, sharing the same questioning look.

"Well, it looks like we will be going too then." Mac sighs.

I smile, delighted they trust my decision. "Mother could I ask you to stay behind and help Uncle Jonathan?"

"Mother?" he asks, confused.

She sighs. Yes, I guess I will stay." she says, lowering her head to her paws as she curls up on the floor.

"How much did we miss?" Uncle Jonathan asks.

I laugh. "A lot and I think you will have enough time with Mother to hear all the details."

He nods his head still in shock.

"Alright, let us move out. Anything happens here, come get us." I say to my mother. Her disappointment is evident that she is being left behind.

I lean down and give her a kiss to her fur covered cheek, feeling all the scales protecting her face underneath. My act takes her and everyone else by surprise. I ignore them all and leave first, not waiting for anything that could be said next.

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