7. pushing boundrys

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Leandra is waiting outside, pacing up and down and picking at her cuticles when she notices Mitace. She seems relieved but her concern returns when she sees his face.

"Are you... angry?" she asks.

"They won't let me go. They said I will never be a wise one. They said I have no center and I will never find my balance if I go or chase after any of my questions, I will only corrupt my light."

"They are the wise ones. Who are we to question? If they say it's best to leave this alone then that is what must be done." Leandra says, trying to comfort Mitace, but the effect is quite the opposite.

"There is more to this world than doing the same thing for the rest of eternity. I never ask questions. If there is something, I want to know. I am not going to stop until I get my answers. Come on Leandra, you cannot truly feel that way. I know you have questions just as I do. I know you have enjoyed holding hands and doing different things. I know it, so why do you deny it? How can you be truly centered if you are lying to yourself?"

"Because I find my balance in knowing when something is taking me down a destructive path. Mitace if you continue this way, I don't think they will be as understanding." she says, her words dripping with concern.

"I'll teach everyone this is not as we are supposed to live. This cannot be all there is to life. I want to experience love, happiness, sadness. I know I'm angry and you know...it actually feels good."

"Mitace you're scaring me." she says, taking a step back from him.

"How about I show you one thing? If you do not think it's wonderful, I'll stop asking questions." Mitace says. He holds out his hand to her.

A battle is clearly waging on in her head. There is the promise of hopefully saving him from a dark path or possibly falling into one herself. "No, Mitace. I do not want you to get hurt. I know I'm not centered right now and that does not excite me, it scares me, so from now on you are on your own." she turns from him, but as she starts to walk away, Mitace grabs her arm.

"Don't leave me." he hisses.

"All you did was ensure I do." she says, pulling her arm from his grip.

A few people have gathered, and start whispering amongst themselves. Leandra takes this chance to leave without further protesting from Mitace.

"If anyone has questions, please follow me." Mitace says, raising his hands out to everyone in a calm gesture.

The flames push me back. The fire is burning so hot now it is getting harder to calm the flames long enough to see anything.

"Are you okay, Bree?" Tom asks me.

"Yes, I will be fine. I just need a few moments to gather myself again. It is getting intense in there."

"The flames?"

"No, the vision. Mitace is really going down a bad road, and I am starting to see where this might be going, but just as I think I have things figured out something new comes out, turning everything upside down. I'm giving it everything I have to stay on my feet."

"Bree you are the strongest person I know. Mia can't kill me for saying that because she would say the same." Tom says pushing a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"You have something here that you need to know. I have no doubt you were the only one to ever see this and the only one it was ever intended for. I feel it as strongly as my love for Mia."

I look at Tom and see in his eyes that he really does believe in what he is saying. I sigh in defeat. "Don't worry I might need to catch my breath a few times, but I won't give up. I promise." I say, giving him my best champion-I-can-do-this smile.

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