Obsessed ~25~

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🎒Tyler's POV🎒

If you asked Matt he would probably say that I'm obsessed.

Well that might actually be true because me Tyler Lockwood is obsessed with Makaila Gonzales and I am proud to say it.

She's everything I want, gental but also knows her worth.

I first noticed her my junior year when she first arrived to our school.

She was quiet and content but still pure...still fresh as a daisy.

I remember I would always smile at the fact that she was even at school that day and when she wasn't I would worry. That girl could have all of me and more.

I remeber the fact that I had learned her schedule so that maybe she would notice or that we would bump into eachother one day but this wasn't a movie this was real life.

She didn't want to bring attention to it that much but I did find out that she has ADHD.

When I had found out I was shocked because she was the top kid in our class but I guess that didn't have to do with anything because she didn't let it get to her most of the time but when she did I would know I could just see it in the way she would walk or stand or how she would forcefully bite on her pen in class.

I wanted to get closer to her but I didn't want her to feel rushed because I would wait no matter how long it took.

Now I watched as she sat beside me in the car with her head out of the window letting her tight curls blow in the wind.

It took everything in me to not pull her into me and kiss the life out of her.

The worse thing about it was that I feel like I can't have what I want and it's right in front of me.

"So Tyler which store are we going to again?"

"Oh nowhere special just your casual Wally World."

"Alright that's perfect actually because I have to but a few things for myself,"she says.

"What are you trying to get?"

"Is everything an option?," she says as I find a parking spot.

"The way my bank account is set up right now just ain't looking right so not today but I'll make a promise to bring you here some other day okay?"

"Fine,"she says as she pouts.

"You know you're cute when you pout."

"Yeah whatever,she says grabbing a shopping cart."

She then starts to ride on it almost running over everyone as they looked strangely at us.

"Okay so what section should we go to first?",I ask her.

"Alright so you always wanna get snacks and dry items or canned items first and then get the frozen things last so that they don't get too hot."

"Oh that's weird I didn't know my mom was here",I say jokingly but she just rolls her eyes.

"Anyways let's gooo silly."
As we're getting the cereal ofcourse she decides to pick the ones on the top shelf but I just sit back and watch her struggle to get them.

Eventually I decide to be nice and help her.

"You know you're really tiny people probably think your my daughter."

"Oh shut up and I didn't need your help I could've gotten it myself."

"Kaila you were literally over there for like three minutes and I am almost sure that it definitely should not take that long."

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