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It was just another first day of school, boring right? But don't you think it would be even more boring for someone like myself? Well... looks like god has another plan for poor me

So here is the thing,

I was just walking to my class minding myself, not actually planning to make a fuss or a good shit impression so I rushed my steps using my fin long legs , hoping no one would notice me- not that I'm that noticeable or something cause let me tell you- I Lalisa Manoban have been always in the shadows- why? Cause it's just who I am , hating to be the center of attention so I just decided to be at the very very back.

Not until you came... you changed me but you don't know- how would you? When you don't even know I exist? Not your fault my love, but definitely not mine either... it's been a year now a year of me loving you quietly- I swear I'm not a coward, this is just the way I am, you could say it's the way I love you..., you don't remember but I do , it all happened in freshman, when you accidentally bumped into me and when I accidentally became into you...

I don't know how, I don't know when , I just fell.

Maybe it was the way your gums showed when you smiled, maybe it was your timid voice saying " I am Sorry " a simple 3 words that probably doesn't mean anything but a 3 simple words was built in my mind, heart but definitely not my tongue- a simple " hey Jen I love you " would have ended my suffer, I wouldn't care if you rejected me, at least I would be free...

Maybe it was the way your eyes captured mine... it's like a cave I could get lost in there

So here I am Jennie Kim standing... watching you like the others- but there was a difference between I and them , they don't love you the way I do , they probably aren't jealous like myself right now-why? Oh because you just got asked out by your dream man... who is by the way my bestfriend, you might think I'm hurting right now and you are right but what you don't know is- I knew Jennie... I knew he was into you, I knew you were too- it's too obvious anyway, the way you looked at him was just the same way I look at you...

I watched you happily accepting to be his..., was I too late to say those simple three words? The most important part is- would I ever be able to tell you?

If not

Then tell me Jennie Kim, How to unlove you?

Let me take you on another adventure of mine, so ladies and gentlemen get ready to dive into my mind through this book,

Yours truly :

How To Unlove Jennie KimWhere stories live. Discover now