•6• A walk to remember

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Lame days of school, oh how I hate.

I kept staring at the wall clock, it's more interesting than what's that old man saying anyway.


Yes! Finally! I couldn't wait to leave this shitty school already,

I waited all of the students to leave first not really wanting to be in the circle of crowd.

I liked school before, but it just seems like my love turned into a mad hate since that day.

Today was just a disaster, all the things I was thinking about was just you mother.

It's your birthday already.

My mind was floating around, I couldn't catch a thought.

If I go, I will definitely face him.

If I not, I will not forgive myself.

It wasn't the first time I miss your birthday but- it was the first time you actually beg for me to come

You were desperate, I couldn't bare the tone...

With one last sigh, I got up and was ready to leave, the school was dead quite , a sign that everyone has already left.

Making my way to the parking lot was oddly long, everything seemed off today, I myself didn't bare my own self

I was about to go home, when I noticed you... you were standing , pouting cutely and looking down playing with random rocks with your feet- you looked cute no- that was the cutest thing I have ever seen

I found myself smiling looking at you, the dark whole around me disappeared once my eyes landed on you

You were the happy pill my heart needed- sadly you weren't my happy pill.

I slowly started to make my way to you, eyes never leaving your cute little actions

"Jen..." I called out, you were kinda surprised that you stepped back holding your heart as if you just saw a ghost

I giggled at your cuteness once again, you looked up once you heard my voice looking at me with wide eyes, cute I say.

"Lisa! You scared me" your cute nature pout was there, never leaving your perfect shaped lips.

"Sorry I was about to go home, then I noticed a beautiful girl looking all sady-mady so I decided to grow a heart and come ask what a beautiful lady like yourself doing here alone, it's kinda getting cold" the audience you have Manoban...

"Wow..." you looked stunned, trust me- I am too.

I chuckled at your stunned face, it was so cute to handle.

"Why?" I asked you still smiling, I think this is the longest I have smiled since years...

"I- sorry it's just that... this is literally the first time you speak to me , and... this is the longest too" I was obvious from the way I stare at you that I am deeply in love with you, I wonder if you notice that too...

Another chuckle escaped my lips, I looked down for a second then up to you again.

"You still didn't answer my question tho, why are you standing there all alone..., it might rain any time you know?" You nervously bit your lower lip, I knew something was up but I decided to wait for your response

"Jong-in and I was supposed to go on a date, I was waiting for him here for almost 15 minutes, then I texted him , he said he kinda forgot so..."


"So...?" I raised my eyebrows assuring you to continue

"So I didn't really bring my car aaaaand I'm all alone... on my own" you pouted again looking down


" I didn't bring my car as well, mind if I walk you home? I can call a cap for you if you want to, it's getting darker and colder, walking might be uncomfortable for you..."

"No no! Walking is fine by me, but you don't really need to do so I can go home by myself you really don't nee-" I cut you off before you continue

"Do you really think I'm that rude that I will leave such a beautiful lady on her own ? There are those pervert people out there you know?"

"I- I didn't mean to say you were rude I just don't want to burden you..."

"Jennie Kim would never be a burden..." your cheeks started to heat up, it's easy to tell that you are blushing when you have such a chubby cheeks like yours

"I- okay" you sighed before looking at me smiling softly

I put one hand behind me as a bow a little mentioning you to go first " ladies first " you giggled at the sentence it was such a weird one cause we are both girls

"Such a gentlewoman I see" your smile widened, your were almost laughing, I smiled at you and caught up with you walking beside you

"So... how are you and Kai doing? Is that boy treating you right?" I swear it wasn't my intention to sound that annoyed.

"H-he is... I guess..." you lowered your voice, probably hoping that I didn't catch it , but unfortunately for you I did , and fortunately for you I won't brag about it

"Hmm you know I and him are childhood bestfriends right?"

"Yeah... tell you a secret?" You looked at me with the same look you did when you told about the rumors that has been going about me, it was the cutest.

" I tried getting close to him at first just to get close to you as well.." you stoped middle sentence and looked at me, soon after you continued " I really wanted to be friends with you, Lisa"

Jealousy took over me, I couldn't control the way I sound

"You could have just approached me you didn't really need to date my bestfriend to be close to me Jennie."

"I- it wasn't my intention to like him or to play with his feelings I swear, besides I do like him, I just wanted to be friends with him at first then we kinda started to get to know each other-" I cut you off almost angrily

"That could have been me you know?" Annoyances was all over my face, you can sense it, you are no fool

"I- w-what y-you mean Lisa..."

"I- I mean you could have just approached me you know... but it's okay... maybe it was destined for you and him..." I tired not to sound as creepy as I did earlier but I guess you were already weirded out...

"Oh... yeah maybe..." your voice was no louder that a whisper, looking down you was...

" anyway you live with Rosé-unnie right?" I changed the topic and you weren't more grateful than now

"Oh yeah... she is your cousin right?"

"That she is" I chuckled lightly and drifted my eyes away again

"You are bestfriend with my cousin too right?" no wait hold upppp

"Jisoo unnie is your cousin????" Now it was my eyes's turn to widen

"You didn't know????"


We just stared at each other with wide eyes, well it's awkward.

I swear once I see this Jisoo unnie.... SHE IS DEAD.

"You would never know how much it hurts."


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