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I stared at Ashton, waiting for him to say something. Instead, he smirks and stares down at his food.

"How can't you remember anything from last night?" Athena scoffs at me. I open my mouth say a word but nothing comes out. This is the perfect time for your sarcasm, Chelsea.

"It happens when you drink too much. You blackout," a girl I remember as Dana said after I confessed that I couldn't remember what happened last night.

"So it's up to you man , did you do it?" Jeff asks, turning to face Ashton. "Jason said ypu guys were in the room together all night and we all know what happens when a boy spends the night with a hot girl," he added wiggling his eyebrows as he chewed on his french fry. I cringe in embarrrasment at being the topic of gossip.

"I don't kiss and tell," Ashton said and stood up with his tray in his hands

"No no, I want to know. Did you do it?" Stella asked, holding his hand and stopping him from moving any further. Ashton looked at me and the back at Stella and then at me again.

"Stop with the looks, I also want to know," I said. The suspence was killing me. I couldn't believe I lost my virginity without even knowing it.

"Did you really sleep with a Virgin," Ice chuckled, forking his fries. I rolled my eyes and sighed, if there was anything i hated more than being a Virgin, it was being called a Virgin like it's a taboo.

"You literally broke two rules. Who are you?" Zander laughed with Ice and they both snicker amongst each other.

"Why the hell does anyone care," Ashton raised an eyebrow defensively. "This is honestly just between Chelsea and me." 

"Who's Chelsea?" Jamie furrows her brows.

"That's my full name." 

"I think it's weird and unusual name," Stella chipped.

"No one asked for your opinion sis," Jamie snickered.

"That's because it is," Ashton deadpanned. "Have you ever heard of anyone with such a cool name?"

"Did you really fight because of Catherine?" Athena asked out of the blue. She was silent the whole time like she doesn't care, why did she choose to speak up now?


" I mean, I was thinking why would my boyfriend who never fights over a girl choose to fight over Catherine, a girl he didn't eve date," she said, her hands cupping her face as her elbows rested on the table.

That's why she didn't talk. She was thinking.

"Ex," Stella scoffed.

"I realize why you fought after hearing this. You fought for chels, I mean John did try to rape her," She continued ignoring Stella's words. She had a calm and soothing, but also a commanding type of voice. Just like Stella. "You like Chels. I mean you broke two of your rules in one night just for her.

"What rules? You aren't making sense," I sneered at her creative story. The reason Ashton fought was because of Stella.

"Never fight for a girl that isn't Stel and never sleep with a virgin because they are inexperienced," She smiled looking directly at Ashton and ignoring my words.

Ashton's jaw tightened and he looked squarely at Athena, his perfect eyebrows arched. "Jealous much?" He smirked.

"No, but Stel might be. But, I trust her to tear it down as she did with us because she can't stand to see you with other girls," She smirked crossing her legs and arms to look more intimidating. She was definitely something different, this was the first time I'd hear her talk and I call already tell the type of person she is.

Stella sighed and stood up. "Enough with your theories Athena, you mind games won't work on anybody. We know you have this obsession with blaming me for your failed relationship with Ashton, but I hope you can see a therapist for that," She said calmly before walking away.

"Drama," I heard Zander whispered under his breath as he got up. I giggled because that sounded exactly like Gray would say if he experienced that.

"I would love to stay and chat, but I've got practice," Ashton smirked directly at Athena before leaving.

"Is that your way telling Chels to meet you in the swimming court?" Athena called to his disappearing back and he replied by shooting her the middle finger. Athena's crazy. I'd definitely not want to get on her bad side. I look at her and realize it was probably too late for that.

"You guys are so meant to be," Kyla said to Athena who still had her lion eyes focused on me. Thankfully, the bell rang preventing me from answering any questions from queen Athena.

I had thought Stella ran this school but Athena proved she owned it all. Or maybe whoever had Ashton ran it? So I guess the school queen title goes back to Stella.


"I can't believe ypu don't remember the most important moment of last night," Jamie shook her head as she walked me towards my locker. I grabbed my books for the last class of the day, AP bio. I had my AP classes with the seniors. I and Lee were both in AP bio.

"I think there are more things to remember than whether I had sex or not," I laughed placing my books in my bag.

 "Like what? You had your first time and can't even remember it. It's supposed to be special," She said putting extra emphasis on the word 'special'.

"I think we have already established that," I snapped. I was also angry about the whole situation. The main reason I waited was that I wanted my first time to be special.

Jamie shook her head. "Nah-uh, we must do something to bring back the memory. Maybe we should replay the memories of last night." 

I nodded my head sarcasticaly. "Yes. Pull my right ear to fast-forward and left to go backward. Also, press my nose to pause, in case you need to go pee in between," I deadpanned.

"Haha, Very funny," Jamie rolled her eyes. "I meanf we could act it out, Lee will play Ashton while you play you," She said sticking out her chin like she was some kind of genius.

"But I am me," I pointed out.

"No shit, Chels," she sneered, facepalming herself and I laughed at her. "Anyway, come to my house tomorrow night and we shall jog some memories," she added with a sweet smile.

"I don't know where you live."

"I'll text you my address, you aren't getting out of this Chelsea," she teased. Great, now that she knew my full name and I knew she'd tease me about it forever.


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