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Stella's POV

I sat on the concrete edge of the pool, the coldness seeping into my thighs. My eyes visibly darkened as I watched Ashton and Chels play in the water.

She had her head floating on the water, her back arched up as Ashton tried to teach her to float. He was so careful and calm with her, his eyes trained on her body.

I found everything she did irritating. She kept on holding on to his arms just because she was 'scared'.

Ashton whispered something in her ear and she giggled. I felt like the third wheel. It was supposed to be Ashton and me.

I refused to enter the pool because I wasn't ready to soak my expensive Victoria Secrets, but I was about to risk it. I knew Ashton would divert all his attention to me if I did.

I never really bothered with the girls' Ashton played with because they never lasted. But, Chels felt a bit different. I felt threatened by her and I wasn't going to let her take him away from me.

"You are getting better every day, Ashton," I smiled, splashing the water with my feet.

"You could be as good as me if only you practiced," He replied, cocking his head to get a better view of my face.

"I don't need to. One swimmer in the gang is enough," I shrugged, chuckling softly. "Besides, you promised to give me your first national gold medal. So I'll look forward to that."

I see Chels face deflate a little at my words, and I smirk in satisfaction.

"Are you thinking about going national?" She asked, getting out of the water and grabbing a face towel. Ashton did the same.

"Yes. It had been his dream ever since he started learning to swim," I replied standing up. I walk towards Ashton and lean on his back.

"I can speak for myself, Stel," Ashton chuckled slightly.

"That's pretty cool," Chels complimented, drying her hair with a towel.

Ashton walked away from me and place his hand on Chels head . My eyes widened when I realized he wanted to help her dry her hair.

"Let me help you with that," I called to Chels, pushing Ashton aside.

I grabbed the towel and ruffled her hair with it.

"Thanks," She smiled when I was done and I shrugged.

She rummaged through her bag looking for something before grabbing her phone.

She turned it on and gasped. "Oh shit, it's late I need to head home," She muttered under her breath.

I rolled my eyes happily. Finally.

"Your phone?" Ashton commanded, placing out his hand.

She started at him with a raised eyebrow before placing the phone on his hand gently.

I peered through the corner of my eye, trying to see the phone screen. Ashton was putting his number in her phone.

I couldn't stop that scoff that came out of my mouth when he called his phone. His phone rings out loud, and he winked at her.

I rolled my eyes in disgust. Was Ashton really falling for this girl? He wasn't the type to give his number that easily.

"Would you guys like me to drop you off?" She asked, collecting her phone from Ashton.


"No," I said at the same time. "We would like to walk just the two of us," I added smugly.

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