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"What exactly do you want to know," Ashton asked, his hands fixed on the steering wheel.

We had been driving for a few minutes, and I still had no idea where we were headed.

"Where are we going to," I asked, grabbing a lollipop from my bag.

Ashton turned to look at me, amusement flickering to his dark eyes.

"Wherever my hands steer the wheels, baby," He smirked playfully, refusing to take his eyes off me.

I was a destination, rather than directions type of person. I hated driving without knowing where exactly where I was headed to.

The fact that I knew nowhere in Korea made it harder for me to sit still.

"I know I'm pretty, but you might wanna focus on the road. I still think I am too young to die," I snorted when he kept on staring at me.

Besides, I would be responsible for wrecking Aunt Maddie's car if something were to happen.

"Why don't I park the car and focus on you," He said and parked the car by the roadside.

I was definitely not going to pay for a parking ticket if we got caught.

"Stop staring at me," I said nervously. His gaze was making me feel awkward as hell.

I was in an enclosed space with one of the hottest guys I had ever meet. He was staring at my side profile, making me feel self-conscious. My right side was better than my left side.

I focus my atttention on my lollipop, feeling his gaze dig deeper into me like he was trying to reach out to my soul.

"Did we sleep together?" I asked, my voice betrayed me by coming out as a whimper.


"God," I buried my face deeper into my hand. I just lost my virginity.

"How was it? was I good?" I asked, covering my face with my hair.

Saying I was embarrased would be tha biggest understatement of the year.

He chuckled. "Going all out I see. Well, you were calm and didn't snore. So I'd say you were good," he grinned, snatching my lollipop from my hands and popping it into his mouth as I had done with Gray.

"I didn't say we had sex Chelsea. I said we slept together. On the same bed," he added smugly when he noticed my blushed up face.

At that moment, I wanted to kick him where the sun didn't shine.

I had spent the day in agony, thinking I had done it. People might say the first time wasn't a big deal but to me, it was.

"Are you crazy," I hit him on the arm.

"Ouch, that hurts," He groaned, feigning pain.

"Do you take martial arts class or something," he laughed with my pop in his mouth.

"Why the hell did you let people think otherwise," I asked, my face a mask of confusion.

"You are a hot new girl and everyone became aware that you are a virgin. What the hell did you think was gonna happen?" he asked, his playful grin turned serious.

"You were gonna be on every guy's hit list and if you don't give in forcefully. There would a lot more like John. So, I did you a favor," He explained and I took another lollipop from my bag.

"Why me?" I aaked.

"I mean, I have heard stories about you. I don't get why you choose to do me a favor," I raised an eyebrow.

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