Chapter 8

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4 weeks Later Jane Clair

Things were better in Gotham I had my studies and it was all going well I was advanced Aunt Lucy said I had gone through the hard part already what was left now are the mistakes so the easy part. My training with Kate was becoming harder though we were no longer in the cave we were jumping buildings and learning to blend in the dark. Since the day I went to visit Alfred I hadn't talked to Bruce Katie told me Alfred was out and alright in the mansion it was a relief to my sleepless nights. It was nighttime I sat on a building a training day I just had to watch a little for crime wearing a dark blue dress and silver heels why we had a home practice event we were supposed to have abt school but since we couldn't due to the virus spreading and being told to do our best and stay at home Aunt Lucy decided we hold it here so she couldn't help but buy me a dress and heels along with volunteering me as the host if we did return so she made me look my best once it was done the and time I had to change out was and no time Kaite made no exceptions for being late so I sat my legs hanging from the building as I watched Gotham it was kinds calm this night I was glad because my dress wasn't exactly the best to fight crime in.

"Jane," a voice said I furrowed my eyebrows I knew it was Bruce so I sighed and stayed seated.

"How nice Bruce anything I can help you with," I said not looking back and staying in the same position.

"It's new for you to be in tall heights but I guess this is your new interest," he says "I came to apologize for what I said to you in the hospital when you came it was a kind gesture your full of them you're always done it" I close my eyes and turn myself to stand on what I sat I just stood there " my point is I'm sorry"

I smile slightly and turn away my body facing the city " I'm sorry I should've considered you were just worried about me" I looked at him and then at his head he had a flower petal on his head. How in the world does someone get a flower petal on their head I went down from where I was standing and walking to Bruce I took the petal from his head holding it in my hand and keeping it.

"I saw you a week ago on another building," he said

"Just star gazing," I said I could hear his laugh

"Gazing in a city," he says

"Shut up," I said walking back up to where I was.

"Jane," he said "it occurred to me how I missed your birthday"  I looked at him he stood where I stood like me "It's a lovely dress you're wearing its the first saw on you" I could help a smile I jumped down from where I was and he followed.

"Thank you, Mr. Wayne," I said I walked towards him he smiled brightly but it faded when we were finally both only a finger separated.

"I think this belongs to you," he said I looked down to his hand my necklace I looked back up at him on the verge of tears Bruce smiled taking his hands and turning me he put the necklace on me I felt his fingered brush on my neck and skin moving my hair until both his fingers were finally on the back of my neck adjusting the necklace when he was done I turned to look at the necklace to see Bruce already looking at me.

"Bruce Wayne all I needed was you for my birthday," I hugged him unable to contain a tear that slipped out.

"All I need is you," Bruce said.

"Honestly you two now why in the world can't you go to the cinema-like normal teenagers" we both separated to see Alfred I smiled " Master Wayne we have a bit of a situation downstairs" Bruce nodded following Alfred and he looked at me.

"Mrs. Clair," Alfred said

"Alfred," I said he smiled and left. I looked up at the sky my hand gently touching the necklace as I took in Bruce ie smell.

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