Chapter 12

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Bruce Wayne

I wake up to the sound of a bird and its nonstop sounds finally as I got up from the couch I laid in I noticed someone was still there. Makes sense I had lots of parties and well I had one last night.

"You know I've had a lot of crazy nights bug seriously a parrot," she said looking at the bird. I stood taking a risk and put it over the cage.

"Parties over," I say lazily

"Sorry to disappoint it I wasn't at the party" the woman responds, I looked at her close she seemed familiar

"Hey I know you, you were at the Sirens what are you doing here?" I ask

"I have come to speak for those who can not speak for themselves." She walks over and sits on the couch I'm sitting on "I'm here to speak for the plant's Bruce"

"Okay." I yawn as a pain crosses mg head "my head hurts can you leave" I say

"First tell me about Project M" she insists and I regain my posture.

"How do you know about project M," I ask

"I. Know. A lot. Of. Things" she says "billionaire boy" she leans in and places a kiss on my lips.

"Ivy, you're so beautiful"

She smiles and it melts me "so tell me about project M"

Jane Clair

I opened the folder the front of the paper had my name and grade I took one deep breath and looked over my results the final score was

99.99% I dropped the paper in tears. Aunt Lucy took my shoulder

"What is wrong Jane," she kneed down and took the paper opening it to see the results my tears were tears of joy and she smiled hugging me tightly. "You did it you did homey you did it"

"Thank you Aunt Lucy thank-you" she stepped away and looked at me with tears.

"Thank me thank yourself you've put in a hard 3 months of work Jane," she said and I had just realized the time had gone so fast so many things had happened that had changed my life eternally here in Gotham and I didn't notice how time went so fast. 3 months has it been that long? "Jane your parents called me yesterday there coming to Gotham in a few weeks" she smiled.

"Wait they are," I asked exceedingly

"Yes they called and you know what the best part is," she said "I am going to force them to stay at my apartment gosh I need time to connect with my sister," while both of us went to the caf two completely different emotions where being felt. One I was happy my parents were coming I hadn't seen them in three months two I knew my time in Gotham was coming at its end next month would be my last and I was determined to make the most of it all that was missing was my Bruce, not a billionaire brat.

Bruce Wayne

I'm in the Wayne mansion looking out the window everything is blurry and it's so confusing that a hand lands on my shoulder.

I look behind to see a mam resembling Gordon "how long do you think you can hide here" he took my chin and angled to look out the window. "Look he's going to find you,"

" I don't understand who's going to find me," I asked but when I looked back behind me nobody was there and when I looked back in front of me to see a smoke bomb was thrown through the window and on the second window someone broke through sending me back as someone walked towards me tightly gripping my shoulders lifting me and I immediately recognizing who he was.


"To you, it's Secret Agent Pennyworth you scumbag," he said and then spoke into a walky-talky. "Package secure" Alfred and I went through a window where we were on a helicopter then into a car as then he took me out into a dark alley.

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